Thursday, August 26, 2004
He's Alive.... ALIVE!!!!!
I’m here. My luggage was lost somewhere between Qatar and Iraq, I’m exhausted, and I have yet to get a good few hours of sleep, but I’m alive and well. Luckily my weapon, my laptop, and my 20gig Mp3 player made it. All the essentials. I will write more when my brain can sustain its connection with my fingers long enough to type.
posted by El Capitan at 6:18 AM
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Getting Ready To Go...
I've got almost all seven of my checklists complete, and my bags are slowly being packed. I have two weeks to finish my preparation and to say my goodbyes. About the only things I'm looking foward to are getting away from the cubicle jungle I currently work in, and the extra few pounds I'll lose while dragging my boots through the dirt every day. Being an Air Force Officer, it's easy to let yourself go now and then. The Air Force is trying to give us more time to work out, but it's nothing compared to what the Marines and the Army allow their guys to do. Heck, the only combat training I'm getting is from playing 'America's Army', the U.S. Army's online combat simulator they offer for free. I can't even get qualified on an M-16 at my home station because my career field typically doesn't deploy to combat zones, so the finance geeks didn't pre-order ammo for us last September. I guess they think my Beretta 9-mil will make the insurgents laugh so hard they'll crap their pants and run away. Hey, I don't want to, nor do I need to complain about anything. I've got it easy compared to most guys out in the field doing the real dirty work. I know that where I'm going I'd better just shut my cake-hole and suck it up, because there's always someone worse off then me.
...two weeks to go... woo hoo!
posted by El Capitan at 1:51 AM