Sunday, August 10, 2008
Help Georgia Now
I don't care how, we just need to do it now.
"As a Russian jet bombed fields around his village, Djimali Avago, a Georgian farmer, asked me: “Why won’t America and Nato help us? If they won’t help us now, why did we help them in Iraq?” "
They helped us in Iraq when we needed them. Why aren't we standing with them. 'F' the cause. Yes, they shouldn't have tried to take their own territory back with force, but for God's sake, Russia is absolutely destroying everything outside of South Ossetia.
We need to draw a line and stand firm. They did it for us, we'd better do it for them if we ever want to depend on help from other countries for military support in the future.
posted by El Capitan at 9:40 PM
Why We Have No Faith in the United Nations
From the BBC:
"The United Nations Security Council began meeting for a fourth day on Sunday to discuss the conflict. It has so far failed to agree on the wording of a statement calling for a ceasefire."
What a bunch of useless fools. The UN can't even tie their own damn shoes, let alone write a letter condemning the death thousands of Georgians at the hands of Russian bombers.
Georgia should never have tried to retake South Ossetia militarily, but Russia should not be smashing Georgia back into the stone-age either. This is an absolute mess, and there's very little we can do.
NATO should be headed to Tblisi as a 'Peace keeping force' to try and draw some line in the sand for the Russians. They've got to stop.
The ironic thing is that Georgia didn't 'awake a sleeping giant' as some are saying. All they did was run up to a hungry bear and smack it on it's ass. Now Georgia can't run fast enough away from that bear. They should have known not to use force to retake what is rightfully theirs when Stalin Jr. himself (Putin) promised to support South Ossetia if they ever needed it.
Some one's gotta stop the chaos out there soon. The Ukraine is threatening to not allow the Russian ships that are currently blockading Georgian ports back into their Black Sea ports. You really want to piss off the Russians even further and throw fuel on a raging inferno, try telling the Russian Black Sea Navy to piss off.
This has no where to go but down.
Total personnel: 26,900
Main battle tanks (T-72): 82
Armoured personnel carriers: 139
Combat aircraft (Su-25): Seven
Heavy artillery pieces (including Grad rocket launchers): 95
Total personnel: 641,000
Main battle tanks (various): 6,717
Armoured personnel carriers: 6,388
Combat aircraft (various): 1,206
Heavy artillery pieces (various): 7,550
Source: Jane's Sentinel Country Risk Assessments
posted by El Capitan at 12:14 PM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Omaha Nebraska
So My opinion of Nebraska is pretty good so far. Nice people, good city (Omaha), and lots to do. Yes, shockingly there are many things to do around here. Never knew Omaha was an Indy band Mecca, but it is.
I spent the first week getting used to the job and the people I'll be working with over the next 4 years. Spent all that time in a Holiday Inn Express since I can't get into base housing until Mid-August. I've spent the last few days at my friend's house. Sinclair and I survived ROTC together out in California, and he and his wife live out here now. They've been kind enough to let me borrow their guest room for another week, and I can't thank them enough. It's great to finally see one of the good guys come out ahead.
Things won't settle down around here for a while, but I'll do my best to keep updating everyone. I leave back to Dayton in a week to go pick up the family bring them back out here.
As for now, it's almost 2am and I'm sitting here relaxing. I'm going to try to finish formatting my screenplay tomorrow. Yes, the screenplay I finished a year ago but never got around to properly formatting. I figured that if I don't get it done now, it'll never happen. Now's the time to get it done while I still can. I want to submit it soon and make those big-time Hollywood bucks. Just kidding. Actually, I just want it done. It's a good story about the War in Iraq, and I want it out there. I'm tired of these negative and totally biased movies about Iraq.
And now for an intermission from the most underrated band in history. I think RWA would agree that Dream Theater is probably one of the better live performing bands out there today, and they don't sound too shabby at 2am either.
Let's see, what else can I come across at 2am? How about my girl Uma using a Light Saber on Kill Bill. Who would have thought.
Wow, I missed this part of 'Princess Bride.'
Hey, it's 'Inappropriate Soundtrack' time. At least it has a pre-Charlie Sheen Denise Richards.
posted by El Capitan at 2:18 AM