Thursday, January 06, 2005
Review of My Travels So Far
When I was a kid I never imagined leaving the state of California, let alone ever having the opportunity to travel to other countries. This afternoon I decided to list every state and country I've been to so far because I still can't believe I've been able to travel so much in so little time. Of course I need to add more countries to the list, but I'm certain I will. If anything, at least I've circumnavigated the globe at least once. From where I came from, that's amazing.
States I've Visited:
California, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland
States I Still Need To See:
Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware
Countries I've Visited:
Mexico, Canada, Germany, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Australia
Countries I Still Need To See:
All of 'em!
posted by El Capitan at 1:36 PM
If you ever have the chance to go to NH grab it! Gorgeous state lots to do especially if you aare in southern NH.
If you are there for a short time I reccomend a drive along the Kangamangus highway, Mt Washington, and Lost River for a starter.
Southern NH is the best because you can be anywhere in New Endgland in a reasonable AMT of time. Boston within 45 min, Mts 1 1/2, Ocean 1/2 hr cetra.\If you intend to stay for a time the crime rates low you can still leave your doors unlocked at night. The people are friendly but do not mince words. Most people I know there enjoy life to the fullest and there is rarely a dull day.