Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Repulsive Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photos
I always considered the Pulitzer Prize as an honor bestowed on someone who took a picture that truly made a difference. Sadly, I was naive in thinking it were such an honorable thing. The newest winners of the Pulitzer Prize are truly repulsive and pathetic.
Not only do they continue the Main Stream Media's portrayal of the war in Iraq as a lost and unjust cause, they are completely offensive to anyone with any sense of respect for the victims portrayed.
Basically, the winners all pictures of dead Americans, or dead Iraqis. It's a celebration of death, and the people who chose these pictures as winners are simply celebrating the death of the innocent. This is an affront to those Iraqis and Americans alike.
Here they are, in all their biased, grotesque, and repulsively celebrated glory
(Hat Tip to Michelle Malkin for the link)
I'm surprised they didn't include a picture of the Pulitzer Prize Board members dancing atop a burning Humvee. (I'm sure they were on top of their desks, pretending to play along)
Here's a list of the Pulitzer Prize Board Members.
Denis Finley, managing editor, The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, VA (Chair)
J. Ross Baughman, director of photography, The Washington
TimesEric Newton, director of journalism initiatives
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Miami, FL
Larry Nylund, deputy managing editor, presentation, The Journal News, White Plains, NY
Janet Reeves, director of photography, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado
posted by El Capitan at 9:42 AM
Not a single photo from the tsunami stricken areas was deemed worthy? Did all the photos suck? Or not politically charged enough?