Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Let's Make Iraq a War For Oil - For All Iraqis
Arthur Chrenkoff's latest post of brilliance, written by Boston-based financial writer and former Clinton Speechwriter Lenny Glynn, is an idea bound for the blogosphere hall of fame.
Set up an oil revenue-sharing fund for the Iraqi people, similar to what we do up in Alaska.
"As vicious as the post-Saddam struggle for power in Iraq is, there is a powerful political weapon that no party or faction in that country has taken up - yet. Once deployed, this weapon could, at a stroke, undercut the insurgency, promise the vast majority of the Iraqi people a far richer future than any they have known and create a powerful, long-term force for democracy, national unity and economic development. The weapon, of course, is oil.
The way to deploy is to offer to share this vast wealth with the Iraqi people - directly - just as the State of Alaska shares surplus oil revenues through the Alaska Permanent Fund with its 600,000 citizens."
(Continue Reading)
In a nutshell this would offer every citizen of Iraq an opportunity to share in their nation's treasures, and to truly become a share-holder in Iraq's future. Outstanding idea from an outstanding blog, and worth every minute.
posted by El Capitan at 7:11 AM