Tuesday, June 14, 2005
New Military Blood
Yo Joe! Where's My Damn Coffee?
Yesterday I noticed someone different in the office hallway wandering around like a lost pup. I noticed the crisp uniform, the newly pinned bars on the collar (instead of sewn on), and the cleanest boots on base. It was a newbie.
I walked up and introduced myself, and then chatted with them for a minute about where they'd be working. The conversation was brief, but it was enough to reinvigorate me. I walked away with hope for the future of the Air Force.
This 'Kid' was new blood... a trained leader without any experience to actually lead, but with the heart and confidence to move mountains. It's so easy to get caught up in the daily routine of military life and forget what it was like to pin on those bars and report in for the first time. This new Lieutenant was beaming with something... something that most of us tend to forget along the way and must be reminded of every time we see a newbie.
Whether an Officer or Enlisted, it doesn't make a difference. That 'something' that the new folks bring in with them reminds us all as to why we joined, and it helps those of us who have been thinking about leaving to reconsider. No, we don't stay because we're refreshed by the presence of new blood. We stay because... well, how could we leave the military in the hands of these newbies who couldn't find their ass from a hole in the ground? There's a reason new Lieutenants aren't allowed to touch sharp objects in the office.
It's up to us 'old folks' to show them the ropes. (Old Folks.... I'm 29 and the newbs make me feel like 50)
posted by El Capitan at 7:45 AM
Remember pal, it's not the age, it's the mileage.
And, as soon as you've bred those young butter bars into sh*t-kicking majors, I'll get them up here. . . where I force them to unlearn all that they have learned.
He he he. . . I love new majors. . .
2 more years until I'm a Sh#@-Kicking Major... can't wait. Of course I loathe the day I head to the Beltway to do time with the Garfield Ridge Sithe.
Me: "Sir, can I file this report?"
GR: "Noooooooooooooooooooooo!"