Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Introducing My New Ad Campaign
In a rare (and most likely fruitless) attempt at getting more links out there in the blogosphere, I introduce to you my new ad campaign, titled 'Pity The Foo'.
Mr. T, my hero and mentor, has graciously agreed to be my spokesmodel, although I've been warned not to attempt my famous 'Eddie Murphy does Mr T.' impression.
So spread the word and link 'Dude, Where's The Beach?' to your site today!*
*Available for keggers, sorority parties, yoga lessons and Barmitsfahs.
posted by El Capitan at 12:40 AM
Ah, I see your no longer using gentle tactics.
9:26 AMYou've seen where those 'gentle tactics' have gotten me ;o)
10:49 AM