Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Why We Love Iran
I wrote a post earlier discussing a future train wreck between the United States and Iran. I would like to clarify something regarding our relationship with Iran. The United States of America and its citizens hold the people of Iran in high esteem. We've always had a special kinship with Iranians. They are some of the most beautiful, intelligent, cultured, and respectful people on this planet. Whether on the West Coast or in the Midwest United States, I've never come across a negative comment about the Iranian people.
The only problem we've ever had with Iran has been with its oppressive and dangerous government. Nobody wants to go to war with Iran, and we will continue to do whatever it takes to avoid such a terrible event. We would never choose to go to war with people we have historically considered our brethren.
Hopefully that clears things up.
posted by El Capitan at 10:07 PM
Blehh...I want a 90-foot wall around the country so we don't have to like anybody...especially French speaking Canadians, Californians (come on, it’s like another country), and any group of people who think it’s attractive to smell bad (the French).
Jokes aside, I would like a big giant wall on the Mexican/US border. Illegal immigration is becoming a big problem - If you ever have the misfortune of going to a Wal-Mart or construction job site south of I-4, good luck spotting someone who speaks English. It's redonkulus.
Nor do Iranians hate the US. Especially those students who are getting the hell beat out of them every day.
It's a wonder to me that the media is so uninterested in the story of these college kids who went so far as to stage protests which were bloodily broken up, after the mullah-sponsored showing of F9/11 because they didn't believe the evil portrayel of America.
I like to check for news there - it's a mix of love America/hate America/secularism/Islamism... in short - a good view all around rather than just from one perspective.