Monday, July 17, 2006
Russian Peacekeepers are bad for business
Russia to Consider Mideast Peacekeepers
In graduate school I wrote approximately 200 pages on the history of Russian Peacekeepers, so I know a little about this issue.
In my honest opinion, sending Russian Peacekeepers into a war zone is like sending a team of homeless people into a Vegas buffet for crowd control. It just doesn't work. Never has, never will. It only makes the situation worse.
Not to forget that the UN/U.S. would be footing the bill for transportation and logistics to bring these Russian 'slaves' in and feed them. And yes, they are slaves who are politely called conscripts. These guys are the poorest of the poor Russians who were too 'uninfluential' to escape the mandatory draft. They are continuously underpaid (and mostly unpaid), poorly fed, de-humanized and severly under-trained.
Yet they'll be keeping the peace in the Middle East?
I like the idea of an international force to be used as peacekeepers between two nations at war, but I'm a little concerned about this 'war'. This is not a war between nations (yet). This is a war between Israel and religious-extremist-terror-organizations. The terrorists might not recognize the peacekeepers as peacekeepers. They'd be looked upon more as canon fodder than an effective deterrent.
Maybe that would be a good thing? The minute Hezbollah (Iran/Syria) opens up on some international peacekeepers the world might finally feel the slightest ounce of sympathy for Israel's plight. Then again if those peacekeepers are Russian, their method of fighting back would cause more civilian casualties than Israel and Hezbollah combined. Just look at every peacekeeping mission the Russians have ever volunteered for.
Other nations might do better. France (God forbid) has a diplomatic relationship with Hezbollah, so their troops might have a slight advantage walking the line between Lebanon and Israel. A French, German, and Spanish combination might deter the terrorist leaders in Syria and Iran from further acting out. I'd still love to see the Chinese out there with western nations. They'd be absolutely clueless, but at least it would give them a sense of responsibility in world affairs for once. It might also force Iran to stop or slow down its destabilizing activities. After all, they certainly will not want to bite the hand that feeds it arms and cash.
I agree that International Peacekeepers might help calm things down in the Middle East, but long term solutions are still needed to end the extremist/fascist take over of the region. Hopefully Europe will recognize the situation for what it really is and take actions to fix it before things really get out of hand.
posted by El Capitan at 9:14 AM
But what do you think it would take for France and Germany to actually send peacekeepers? Between the Imperialist Americans and the Israelis? I think the French would drink Thunderbird and the Germans admit they're completely racist before THAT would happen! And the EU? They can't even figure out that the open border policy and growing Islamic population is going to eventually drown the non-populating Europeans! Look at the riots in France! What happened with that?
I really wish that some of these countries would open their eyes and get crackin, but I doubt it's going to happen.
I truly thought that after the Chechen "Rebels" (read TERRORISTS) took the kids hostage and murdered babies that Russia would go ape shit and open a can of whoopass, but it just kind of fizzled away.
I guess that I just needed to be patient.