Sunday, October 15, 2006
Australia, Part 3
After leaving Sydney we headed to New Castle, about 100 Kilmometers north. Little did I know that it's the biggest Coal exporting harbor in the world, which explained all of the environmental and socialist organizations that had offices throughout the city. I happened to think it was a beautiful place. While the women shopped I headed east to Royal Australia Air Force base at Williamtown to meet a US Air Force Airman stationed there. I can't think of a better place to be stationed overseas. They fly F-18s and some SAABs, and I was able to watch some great Air to Ground exercises, but talking to the locals I could tell they didn't like the base too much. Too loud and expensive according to the market owner I met who was yelling over the sound of jet engines (The Sound of Freedom Baby!) flying overhead.
After New Castle we continued North to Coff's Harbour, another stop along the way to Brisbane. Of course Coff's is home to the 'Big Banana'! After Coff's Harbour, we were off to Surfer's Paradise.
posted by El Capitan at 10:35 AM