Saturday, January 05, 2008
If You Only Read One Blog Post This Year....
.......make it this one.
It combines facts and reality (two pillars the media avoids at all cost) to give you the best account of why we're winning, why Al Qaeda and Iran are losing, and how the dynamic duo of the Western Media and Western Liberals played a decisive role.
In other words...
- Al Qaeda stated early on that they couldn't fight the US militarily, so the planned their fight for for the hearts and minds of the Western Media by slaughtering as many innocent Sunni and Shia Iraqis as possible to make it look like there was a civil war and force the US into a Vietnam-like withdraw
- The Democratic Party stated early on that they would force the US to withdraw the same way they forced us out of Vietnam
- The diverse Iraqi people unified to fight against Al Qaeda and helped Coalition Forces decimate Al Qaeda in Iraq
- The President, Secretary of Defense, and key Congressional and Military leaders never allowed the joint Al Qaeda/Media/Liberal tactic to prevail
- We're winning a war Al Qaeda, the Media, and the Democratic Party claimed was a lost cause
But please don't just read my overly simplistic summary, go read it for yourself. It will be the best blog post you've read in a long time.
(h/t Ace of Spades)
posted by El Capitan at 1:39 PM
Your post isn't overly simplistic. It summarizes in words that EVERYONE - even the Democrats - should understand.
4:57 PM