Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I'm Well
Just home and focusing on the family and life back in the States. I had typed up about 5 pages of thoughts into a post while traveling home a few weeks ago, but all that remains of the post is
o o t E n t r y ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ²Z¤žÑ¤ ÀO¹2º 6TÈŸVÈ7 À C O N T E N T S h C o m p O b j V S P E L L I N G ( þÿÿÿ
In other words, the file was corrupted and it's lost.
Oh well. I can sum it all up in a few words.
Toughest job I've ever had.
Most enjoyable job I'll ever have.
It was worth every minute.
The Iraqis are on the right track.
Had my first day of work yesterday, and all of the fun and joy of being home quickly evaporated thanks to the Air Force once again screwing around with my career. When I had to tell my boss I should have extended my deployment to a year long tour just to avoid all of this crap the AF is putting me through, I knew I wasn't going to last long.
I might be getting out soon, but I'd rather not. After 9 years in the service I'm finally enjoying what I'm doing.
We shall see.
posted by El Capitan at 6:59 PM