Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I'm Well
Just home and focusing on the family and life back in the States. I had typed up about 5 pages of thoughts into a post while traveling home a few weeks ago, but all that remains of the post is
o o t E n t r y ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ²Z¤žÑ¤ ÀO¹2º 6TÈŸVÈ7 À C O N T E N T S h C o m p O b j V S P E L L I N G ( þÿÿÿ
In other words, the file was corrupted and it's lost.
Oh well. I can sum it all up in a few words.
Toughest job I've ever had.
Most enjoyable job I'll ever have.
It was worth every minute.
The Iraqis are on the right track.
Had my first day of work yesterday, and all of the fun and joy of being home quickly evaporated thanks to the Air Force once again screwing around with my career. When I had to tell my boss I should have extended my deployment to a year long tour just to avoid all of this crap the AF is putting me through, I knew I wasn't going to last long.
I might be getting out soon, but I'd rather not. After 9 years in the service I'm finally enjoying what I'm doing.
We shall see.
posted by El Capitan at 6:59 PM
Well, I am glad to hear that you are safe - and back home. I'm sure your family is glad as well.
Hopefully the folks around here won't make your work too difficult.
I kept checking, hoping you'd check in. :) So glad you're home safely and enjoying time with the family.
Should you & the Mrs. be in the market for a burger & beer, let me know...the Mr. and I could meet you two in your neck of the woods, I'm sure. Our treat. :)
Oh-HO! The Dude surfaces. Glad to hear from you & glad you're safely home. Sorry to hear the work week began so sucky. Will pray they get their ducks in a row where you're concerned. Big Hug!!
10:14 PMWelcome Home Tony!
10:20 PMGreat summation...
welcome home!
Welcome home Tony! Morale stops here!
Welcome home, dude!!!
7:51 PMWelcome home, Major T. I understand your frustration with the "system." Especially the government system! However, duty stations make all the difference. Hopefully you can transfer to a place that you will like better. If not, good luck with your decision.
10:00 PMYou should be ashamed of yourself, young man! Not posting! We thought you were dead in a ditch, fer chrissakes!
And don't even go there about the MFing Air Farce. Where the hell did my beloved job go?
Hey Tony, know this is late but we've been doing our own family reunion as you know, and I just wanted to welcome you home, Glad you made it home safe.
9:08 AMAllrighty, Mr. Tony. Enough time has passed for another, "I'm ok" post.... Ferchrissakes!
1:06 AMHey, Tony. Do I need to call Dateline? WTF! I am worried and hope that everything is good. Please write me at work or call.... I would like to hear your voice and hear about the kids and wifey..... Please?
12:00 AMI hope life is treating you good. God Bless and thanks for your service.
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1:34 AM