Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Rescue Dawn DVD Winner
Sorry it took so long for me to announce the winner of the Rescue Dawn DVD. I received it in the mail about 3 weeks ago, and finally found the time to watch it this weekend.
My review: Two thumbs way up! Great story, outstanding acting, and the quality was top notch. I watched it twice just to catch the details I knew I had missed the first time. I highly recommend this movie.
Now, last November I promised that after I watched it I would mail the DVD to the person who wrote the best review.
The brave, beautiful, multi-talented Lisa W. is the winner! She wrote the following about the movie.
"Sinclair and I saw the move at the theater (only one major theater in our area showed it) It was a great movie! In no way did we see it as being anti-war. Steve Zahn and Christian Bales performance was nothing short of great, I don't know how those guys lost so much weight, but it can't be healthy.There is a part in the movie where Dieter Denglers (Christian Bale ) character is giving a speech about why he wanted to become a pilot, I couldn't help but smile at Sinclair after the speech, Christian Bale said it with so much passion, it reminded me of Sinclair when he talks about flying, every word is filled with such passion and certainty. -Lisa"
Now I didn't award the DVD to Lisa just because she was cool and married a good friend of mine. She wrote a good review, although I was hoping she would have added a good Anime-style rendition of Christian Bale to it. She's cool like that.
So Lisa and Sinclair, enjoy the DVD sent to you directly from beautiful downtown Baghdad, and thanks for playing 'Write That Review'!**
**No animals were harmed in the writing of this post

-'Dude, what do you think we'd look like drawn as Anime characters?'
posted by El Capitan at 1:09 PM
Thank you very much for awarding the grand prize to Lisa. She is very, very flattered and she wanted you to know she will be working on a anime version of Bale and Zahn.
I liked the part where Zahn laughed at Bale and told him, "Some guy tried to kill you and you just want his job!"