Monday, July 28, 2008
But you said we lost?
Remember in April 2007 when the Democratic leadership in Congress announced to the world that the war in Iraq was lost? I certainly haven't forgotten. My blood still boils when I remember the press conference. My anger came through in the image I made below.

(Wow Mommy, these people really hate us.)
Now that we've come so close to Victory why hasn't anyone brought up the surrender proclamation these guys made last year? Why hasn't anyone made them account for their actions... for emboldening the enemies of the West, and for prolonging the battle?
I will never forget their attempt to initiate a cut and run policy that would have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. They tried to abandon the Iraqi people, and they tried to surrender to the enemy.
I will never, ever forget.
posted by El Capitan at 11:25 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
I'm Hooked...
Selecting my music for tomorrow's drive out to Omaha from Dayton. I'm really getting hooked on Duffy. She's like a sober Amy Winehouse. When I first heard her I thought she was trying to fake the Winehouse sound, but listening to her other songs changed my opinion. She has a genuine classic and great voice that holds its own.
Speaking of Winehouse, what do they call her style of music? Is it retro 'something'. Not sure, but it's really fascinating. Ignoring the fact that she's a crack addict who's about to lose her life to drugs and booze, her style is really one of a kind. Pretty sad it might not be around that long.
Anyways, two videos. The first is Duffy singing 'Mercy' live. The second is Winehouse singing 'Back to Black'. The lyrics are really really good, damn it. Why do the good musicians all have to be freaks??!!
Kind of an odd transition from here, but I'm heading West in the morning to Omaha Nebraska to start the next step of my Air Force career. Everything should work out fine if I can just find my way there without too many detours along the way.
Just found some Smokey and the Bandit motivation to get me going. After all, "What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law."
Might as well throw in the other trucker classic. Can't do without a little Convoy.
posted by El Capitan at 12:51 AM
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Threw myself a going away party...
You know you're going to be missed at an organization when they don't even realize you're leaving. I never really felt like I belonged to the Group anyways, but a basic 'so long' would have been nice.
When I got back from Iraq in January my new assignment was cancelled, so I had to move over to another organization and wait until Air Force Personnel Center (aka people that hate me) found a new base. While waiting I was given a basic program to run, but had little else to do and even less motivation to do it. Talk about post-deployment depression, I went from working 16 hour days on 5 different programs with some of the best Airmen in the world to doing almost nothing with nobody around. Not a good transition home if you ask me.
Since I had flown under the RADAR for so long I really didn't expect a send-off. I decided to do something I haven't done in years, so I invited my neighbor, his dad, and my step-son Mark to play a round of golf.
I'm the worst golfer in the Air Force, but I had a blast because the other guys couldn't play well either. I can see why golfers get addicted to the game. We were outdoors, enjoying the sun, and joking around the whole time. I never did make the final hole because I lost my last two balls in the water, but I still had more fun than if I had been given an official send-off at the office.
I just hope the new position I'm headed to in Nebraska is more challenging, and more rewarding. I need a good challenge.
Either way, it was a good day.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
posted by El Capitan at 10:54 PM
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy Independence Day
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
posted by El Capitan at 7:53 PM
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
That moment just before the pain begins...
Couldn't resist passing this along. Beware if you have a weak stomach.
posted by El Capitan at 8:53 PM