Monday, July 28, 2008
But you said we lost?
Remember in April 2007 when the Democratic leadership in Congress announced to the world that the war in Iraq was lost? I certainly haven't forgotten. My blood still boils when I remember the press conference. My anger came through in the image I made below.
(Wow Mommy, these people really hate us.)
Now that we've come so close to Victory why hasn't anyone brought up the surrender proclamation these guys made last year? Why hasn't anyone made them account for their actions... for emboldening the enemies of the West, and for prolonging the battle?
I will never forget their attempt to initiate a cut and run policy that would have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. They tried to abandon the Iraqi people, and they tried to surrender to the enemy.
I will never, ever forget.
posted by El Capitan at 11:25 PM
Great Poster! There are a lot of us who'll never, ever forget... and a lot of them who're still harping on the same theme. Can't they read?
2:12 PMWow. I must confess that I had forgotten about that day and those two windbags with their diarrhea of the mouth.
I can't believe no one has called them on that.