Wednesday, October 08, 2008
The Shot Heard Around The World
Next to the Gettysberg Address, this monument to the eight Minutemen who gave their lives in the very first battle of the Revolutionary War at Lexington is one of the most inspiring I've ever read.
In the face of overwhelming forces, these men never gave up and by the end of the day the British withdrew.
Our nation was created by great men and women through terrible sacrifice. I wish our leaders today were half the men these guys were.
The inscription on the monument reads...
Sacred to liberty and the rights of mankind!!!
The freedom and independence of America,
Sealed and defended with the blood of her sons.
This monument is erected by the
Inhabitants of Lexington...
To the memory of their Fellow Citizens...
Who fell on this field, the first Victims to the
Sword of British Tyrrany, Oppression,
On the morning of the ever memorable
Nineteenth of April, An. Dom. 1775.
The Die was cast!!!
The Blood of the Martyers
In the cause of God and their Country,
Was the Cement of of the Union of these States, then
The Colonies; and gave the spring to the spirit, Firmness
And resolution of their fellow Citizens.
They rose as one man, to revenge their brethren's
Blood and at the point of a sword, to assert
and defend their native rights.
They nobly dar'd to be free!!
The contest was long, bloody and affecting;
Righteous Heaven approved the solemn appeal;
Victory crowned their arms; and
The Peace, Liberty and Independence of the United
States of America, was their glorious Reward.
Built in the year 1799
posted by El Capitan at 11:43 AM
7:22 PMThanks for sharing. I have never had the pleasure of visiting that area, but I hope to do so one day.
11:06 AMWhen I was stationed at Hanscom we took family there all the time. It never lost it's brilliance.