Friday, April 07, 2006
More on Monday's C-5 Crash at Dover
A friend of a friend sent me these pictures of the C-5 Crash out at Dover AFB that were taken immediately after the incident. If you look closely at a few of them you can see the left wing with what appears to be fire damage over where an engine once was, which may have been the source of the initial emergency that necessitated the immediate return to the field and subsequent crash.
Thankfully nobody was killed, which is a testament to the outstanding flight crew that was almost certainly pulling the control wheel out of the floor on final to keep this flying whale from going in nose first. I'm sure his compadres on the ground had the beer flowing for these guys later on that night.

posted by El Capitan at 9:23 AM
Your linky is broken.
It goes back to your blog
instead of the pics.