Friday, May 20, 2005
Before You Feel Sorry For Him, Remember This:
Here's a list of just some of Saddam's atrocities:
-Systematic rape of women, including 'rape rooms' set up for the use of Saddam's cronies, including his sons
-Civilians being shredded, feet-first, in industrial shredders
-At least 1.5 million people killed by death squads
-The massacre of 5,000 Kurds with nerve gas
-Saddam offered to pay $25,000 to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers
-The raping and pillaging of Kuwait during Gulf War I
(Hat Tip: Boortz)
So why do you feel bad for the guy?

"In other news, there was a rush on Boxers in Iraq today..."
posted by El Capitan at 7:40 AM
Honestly, I don't feel bad for the bastard. He is repsonsible those horrible atrocities and it is kind of funny that a once powerful man is now reduced to being photographed in his tighty-whighties.
1:36 AM