Monday, May 16, 2005
Newsweek Story Worse Than Abu Graib
The worst part about Abu Graib was that a few bad apples completely ruined the image of the United States and its Armed Forces. Their disgusting pictures became the recruiting posters for terrorists throughout the Middle East. Newsweek's blatant, unsubstantiated lie about the desecration of a Quaran at Guantanamo Bay is earning even more hatred for the United States.
As you know, Newsweek published an allegation that American prison guards were flushing Quarans down toilets as a torture tactic in Guantanamo Bay. They substantiated the story by asking an 'Unnamed Senior pentagon Official' to verify the report. The 'Unnamed Official' declined to comment because he had no information to validate the report. The Official's comment, or lack of a comment, equated to substantiation for Newsweek. The result... countless people died and over a hundred were injured around the world during protests against the 'Quaran Flushing' Evil United States.
The damage the authors and editors at Newsweek have caused to the United States is equal to that of the damage caused by the bad apples at Abu Graib. Their farce, or as Newsweek called it, mistake, is directly responsible for the deaths of Muslims around the world and is undoubtedly another recruiting incentive for young men and women to join terror cells in order to kill more Americans around the world.
Simply stated, more Americans and Muslims will die because of Newsweek's arrogance, lack of journalistic ethics, and blatant desire to bring harm to the Bush Administration, whatever the price, whatever the cost.
The bad apples at Newsweek need to be fired and held accountable for their actions. The families of the dead and injured protestors need to sue Newsweek for every penny they have. And finally the Washington Post, owner of Newsweek, needs to spend millions to squash this story via admitting to the world that they lied and were wrong. If doing so stops just one unnecessary death of an American or Muslim it will be worth every penny.
Newsweek has blood on their hands.
posted by El Capitan at 5:06 PM
I noticed that my comment has been removed..I guess this isn't the site to participate in if you want a real discussion. Keep up the censorship
11:04 AMThat's what is great about America... you can do what you want with your own blog. Since I am the Supreme Ruler and Editor in Chief of this site, it's my say or the highway. Heck, if Newsweek, CBS NBC ABC MSNBC NYTimes and CNN can have editorial rights to their crap, so can I. At least my lil' old blog won't cause riots around the world.
I love Freedom of Speech.
You are right, you can do whatever you want with your little old blog..I guess I was just hoping for a semi-intelligent response since you seem to know so much
5:36 PMThe only problem with 'debating' you is that you are 100% certain that Bush lied about WMD to kill people, make money, and spread evil greed and capitalism around the world. I on the other hand am 100% that Bush did not lie, that freedom and democracy are the only ways to truly end terrorism, and having been to Iraq myself, I know we are doing more good than will ever be reported.
Hence there is no debate because you are set in your ways, and I am set in mine. Newsweek may have made a simple mistake, but to what end? Are they making a difference with that mistake, or was the end result more death and destruction to Muslims and Americans? Anyone who thinks we're out to kill Muslims is wrong, just as anyone who thinks all followers of Islam want to kill Westerners. We're not in Iraq for oil or contracts or to kill Muslims. In 10 years, when the Middle East is finally at peace and Islamo-fascism has gone the way of Euro-fascism, you will finally understand why Bush took us into Iraq. You'll also question why organizations like Newsweek, the New York Times, and others demonized our country and added fuel to the fire of anti-Americanism.
Until then we'll just agree to disagree.