Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Finalist Number 2
Ethel 'Pay at the Pump' Smith is 24 years old from Salem Oregon. She's 6 feet-4 inches high, weighs 525 pounds, types 100 words a minute, and learned how to cook by sitting on the couch and watching Martha Stewart while eating bonbons. Her hobbies are eating, sleeping, and eating, and she's the president and founding member of the Fat Bastard Fan Club. She's proudly displaying a handmade sign she crafted using fine silk, wool paper, and gold lace (a Martha Stewart Masterpiece) which shows her waist circumference in inches. Her dream in life is to become Dave at Garfield Ridge's personal assistant and live-in housekeeper.
Salem Oregon's Finest... and quite the seamstress.
posted by El Capitan at 1:18 AM