Thursday, May 26, 2005
You can just feel the love...
Here's just a small dose of what's being tossed around the blogosphere now that Zarqawi is rumored to be injured and in need of prayers.
From the always sophisitcated Arthur Chrenkoff:
Get well, go to hell, al-Zarqawi
"...Within hours one posting had launched a "million prayers of recovery campaign," quickly garnering over 70 responses."
And Ace's own take on the matter:
Pray For al-Zarqawi
(Message from Terror Leadership) You guys do all the fighting and suicide-bombing. We'll be over here, bravely monitoring the situation on CNN, at a Damascus Fuddruckers.
I of course added to the scores of ideas that flooded Ace's website as to what we should be praying for in order to 'help' Zarqawi. Here's just one example from the hopeful converts...
"Do chiggers ever attack the anal cavity?"
Trust me, we're all looking forward to the day he goes teets up.
posted by El Capitan at 7:31 AM