Tuesday, December 12, 2006
History Repeats Itself....All Over Again.
According to the Iraq Study Group, we're supposed to work out our problems in Iraq by working with the government of Iran. Iran is currently holding a conference to debate whether or not the Holocaust ever took place during WWII. During this conference, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the person we're supposed to have rational talks with in order to make the Middle East a better place, stated that Israel will not exist soon.
Does this all seem like a really bad joke or a movie with an unrealistic and poorly written plot, or is it just me? This is absolutely pathetic.
It's becoming harder to tell the difference between those who are sane and insane. Pure evil is staring right into the face of the world, yet the world is doing nothing about it. The world's leaders are doing exactly what they did between 1918 and 1939 when evil was taking hold of Europe.... nothing.
What could the Democratic party of the United States have to gain by accepting the Iraq Study Group's recommendation for Bush to talk with Iran? What could they possibly gain by shaking hands with the very person who wants to oversee the destruction of the West? These guys aren't like our Cold War enemies that the Democrats loved to coddle with. This is evil, and evil is not to be bargained or negotiated with. These Fascists don't believe in the Socialism and Marxism that the Democrats were willing to compromise with and incorporate into the US government. These fascists want us either converted to their perverse version of Islam, or dead.
The lines were drawn years ago, yet we've done nothing but ignore their existence. What do we do once Iran builds nuclear weapons (and they will do it thanks to Russia and China)? Will we continue to ignore the enemies who have chosen our destruction as their ultimate reason for existence?
China and Russia are allowing this to happen because it is obvious that the US and the West will have to deal with a nuclear Iran without their help. Russia has everything to gain with a radioactive Iran due to its own abundant resources. It wants to become the next source of petroleum to the world. China will certainly not have to deal with any military action between the West and Iran. They'll continue to sit on the sidelines and benefit from our weakened state.
All of this is over of our heads. Those of us with no power can do nothing to change what's going on even though we can see it taking place right in front of us. We'll never get a majority to replace our national leadership with one that recognizes the obvious dangers we're facing. Nobody with power will ever be proactive enough to do something about it before it gets out of hand.
Sadly, as on 1 September 1939, it will take the start of a war to awaken the silent majority of us who knew we needed to stop evil from taking over. Nearly 63,000,000... mostly innocent civilians, died because fascism wanted to take over the world during WWII. 20,000,000 in WWII. What would a modern Global War look like in the near future? How many hundreds of millions of lives will be lost this time around?
Hundreds of millions... all because the leaders of the world won't get off of their asses and do something about evil in today's world. The same evil that is vowing to turn Israel into glass and destroy the West.
The same evil we're being told to negotiate with in order to hang innocent Iraqis, and our future generations, out to dry.
posted by El Capitan at 3:46 PM
It's beyond pathetic!! What in the world can we who see what's happening do to make a difference? I'm with you, I think the world has lost it's collective mind! Guess we'd better just have our survival kits ready and hope and pray for a miracle. Not joking...
8:23 PMCome on now. All the liberals are convinced that we can sit down peacefully with this man and work something out.
Give peace a chance!!!
For the record, I don't believe that for a second, but too many close-minded idiots are walking around with blinders on thinking that very thing. God help us all.
Look on the bright side: we're setting ourselves to create a new "greatest generation" because of a world war. So just sit back, watch the show, and earn a title.
3:31 PMZopher, I like your way of thinking. Looks like our generation folks behind us might actually have to get off our kiesters and work hard for once.
12:33 PM