Monday, September 22, 2008
And so it goes....
I've been spending a lot of time keeping busy, which was a rare occurrence not too long ago. I finally have a job that's challenging and kicks my arse every chance it gets, but I will never complain. It's exactly what I've wanted, and needed. I couldn't have asked for a better group of shipmates, arrrrgh. (Sorry, had to make up for missing one of my favorite holidays last week, national 'Talk Like a Pirate Day' ) The folks are work with, from Air Force to civil service to contractors, are the hardest and most dedicated lot I've seen in a long time. Definitely a breath of fresh air. We're doing good things out here in the middle of America.
Since we took such a big loss selling the house in Dayton we decided to move onto base housing here at Offutt. The base itself is outstanding, but the housing, though brand new, is yet another example of why hiring the lowest bidder doesn't always work out the way it's supposed to. The house was poorly built, cheaply built, and is infested with every little insect known in this part of the woods. The bugs are so bad, we're on the verge of calling it quits and getting out of our lease. I'll give them a few more tries, but we can only take so much insecticide. One of our dogs already got pretty sick from it last weekend, forcing us to take her to the local pet hospital for a couple of days. She's doing well now, but like I said, one can only take so much before it's time to just call it quits. I can write an entire book on how the DoD screwed up big time by privatizing their military housing nation-wide, and how pathetic the housing has become, but I'll save all of that for another day.
My daughters are actually holding up well. Thankfully their schools are great, so that helps. My youngest started Kindergarten this year, so that's definitely on my mind. Unless we adopt (which I would love to do some day) this will be our last kid starting school.
They grow up too fast.
I start a new Masters Degree program next month. I remember when I finished my Masters Degree years ago that my first thought was, 'Wow, I never have to go to school again.' I guess I couldn't stay away. It's all online of course (the Air Force will never be that kind to me), but it's still an accredited program and it's the first and last time the military will ever pay for my education. I've stopped trying to fight to get a PhD out of them. I was told very clearly by AFPC that there is no requirement for someone in my career field to have one, so stop asking. Yes, the same Air Force Personnel Center that cares only about peddling flesh. I'm certain they have a dart board with my photo on it down in Texas. After all, if they can lie to an Inspector General about the games they played with me, they're capable of anything. Can't you smell the love.
I'm halfway through a book someone loaned to me last week. It's called Freakonomics. So far so good. I can't stand economics but I'm really enjoying the book because it's more about life and what happens to people when the right and wrong incentives are offered up. It's thick, but I figured it was good prep for the books I'll be reading starting in October for my class work. I have to warm up my brain to actually make it think analytically.
Alright, I have to warm it up to actually make it work at all, but don't we all?
MissBirdlegs in 'Bama, I hope all is well with you and yours down there. Hopefully you're not going through the gas shortage everyone is talking about. Thanks for nominating me for a Millbloggie! You're way too kind. As for the screenplay, I'm no-kidding' 5 hours away from finishing my final draft and submitting it. I just have to find that 5 hours, but I promised myself I would finish it no later than 30 September, so... game on. I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe you can read it and tell me what you think.
RWA, I fell your pain with the passing of Richard Wright. That man wrote most of the soundtrack to my life. He will be greatly missed, but he'll always be just a 'play' button away, speaking to me on my Mp3 player. Thanks for linking 'Sorrow', I hadn't heard that in years.
I turned 33 earlier this month. Yes, 33. I'm getting damn old, but I don't feel it. I feel great actually. Even though I have a jacked up shoulder I'm about to go into surgery for, and my hearing in my left ear is getting progressively worse because of that blast damage 4 years ago, I feel better than ever. (Ironically, the last thing I wrote the night of that attack was "Okay, an hour has passed and all is good. Been busy with the post attack stuff, but it’s complete. Hopefully the ringing in my ear goes away tonight." It never has gone away.
It's funny, but I think I'm at that point in my life where I actually feel like I'm mature enough. Maybe it's just a man thing, but feel like I'm making wiser choices and better decisions. I'm not saying I'm perfect. Far from it. I'll always be a few wheels short of a tricycle, but for once in my life I feel like I'm steering that tricycle in the right direction.
At least I think I am. We'll see how I feel next month.
There are a million other things I want to write about, but all in due time. I'm finally getting back to that place where I can express my thoughts. I lost that when I got back last January, but I'm getting there again. Everyone needs a place to sit and think out loud.
I need to get there again.
posted by El Capitan at 9:32 PM
I'm sure Miss B is laughing as hard as I am at your being "damn old"
12:16 AMWow. Thanks.
I never considered 33 to be "old" - until now.
Glad to hear everything is going well - with the exception of the insects, obviously.
Dang, you're really old! ;-) I'm surprised you were able to make those old fingers type so much, but I'm really glad to hear from you. My daughter is turning 50 next week (Eeeek!). You must also be psychic as my regular gas station is out of gas for the 2nd time since Ike hit. We're having to drive around (using up our gas) trying to find someone who has gas to sell. When you can find it, it's up over $4/gal.
Sorry you got whacked on selling your house & am shuddering at the bug story. Sounds as if you're busy, busy and that's a good thing when it comes to working.
Another masters??? Geez, not enough books to read in your spare time? You going with one of the ones through the Educ Ctr? I looked at a lot of those but couldn't really find one I liked.
I know... 33 isn't old. Some day you just feel older than you are, but I know I've still got a lot of time ahead of me, and I do honestly feel younger than I did in my late 20s.
MissB, you're daughter is 50? So that means you're still a young'n then.
Tumbleweed, the MA program is through ACSC. Instead of the 'SOS-type' of program, they offer an accredited online MA program that counts as your ACSC PME, JPME, and you get a degree out of it. Finally, someone down at AETC got something right.
Yeah, yeah. Dis the Contracting peeps. Everyone else does. It ain't no thing to have 70 billion rules, customers who have no fucking idea what they want, Form 9s piled to the ceiling and Sep 30th deadline. I'm not bitter.
Seriously, I *too* am employed again and feeling fantastic about my 12-14 hour shifts! Seriously! I love working. I have missed it soooooo badly. It has a black-eye being a contracting person, but I DON'T CARE!!!! I am loving it.
Missed you, Oh C - My C
Glad your settled down and back on track. I can tell in your writings things are better. 33 is not old. 61 is old. As old as the Air force. Geezzzzzzz.
Love Aunt Janet
33? Yeah, dude, you should just retire now ;)
Check out the freakonomics blog (it's hosted somewhere on the nytimes website) as well. They post a couple times a day and it's usually pretty interesting.