Wednesday, November 05, 2008
We Are All Americans First
Yesterday, Rudy Gulliani said something very interesting when asked about what will happen if Obama won the election. His response:
"Tomorrow we wake up not Republican, not Democrat, but American. We must back whomever is elected because if he fails, we fail as a nation."
Personally, I'm not thrilled that a majority of our nation chose to send in the rookie quarterback while the team is 4th and 20, but there's nothing we can say or do now to change that. All we can do is hope and pray that the right decisions are made and that we do what needs to be done to fix what is broken. We will never fully agree with every decision made and direction our new President takes us in, but we can't do to him what the left did to President Bush.
History was made last night. Whether you supported him or not, history was made in terms of racial equality in this country. Never again can someone say that the political playing field is not level for all.
I am and will always be a true, Die-hard Reagan Conservative. I believe in smaller government, less taxes, strong defense. I believe that the individual citizen is what makes this nation powerful and great, not the government. I'm saddened that everything Ronald Reagan worked for was destroyed by a Republican House and Senate after the 2000 election, and I will never forget the opportunity those clowns wasted. I will also push harder to help rebuild this party into what it was and what it could have been. It is the only way to keep the far-left fringe of this nation (Socialists, Marxists, Eco-extremists, etc) from permanently destroying this great nation.
But this morning I'm reminded that I am also an American. I will disagree with the new administration on many issues, but I am still an American.
Maybe the Democrats can learn from our example on how to be civil and not vilify or destroy our nation if they disagree with a national leader.
This Wall Street Journal piece today says it all: The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace - What must our enemies be thinking?
Let's be an opposition party that helps shape the process and decision making of our leaders as opposed to tearing down our nation and further polarizing our society. If or when jobs are lost due to misguided taxation and trade policies, let's offer a better solution rather than sit back and say 'See I told you so'.
If spending spirals further out of control while deficits go unchecked, show a clear and effective alternative path for the country and the world rather than turn our backs and watch things fall apart.
And when the Democratic Party tries to close the door and keep those solutions and ideas in the dark, don't throw a fit or remove yourself from the process altogether. Instead, offer them to the people the same way Reagan offered them back in 1979. Show the people the alternative to what is wrong in the country in a positive way and they will make the right decision. The more positive and effective your message, the more negative and destructive the opposition will become, which will only amplify your platform.
Most important, do not give the enemies of our nation any opportunities or hope for success by further dividing or weakening our nation through the smearing, bickering, and flogging of our government or its leadership. We must NOT repeat the horrific and disgraceful damage the left has committed to our nation's image over the past 8 years.
Am I dreaming right now? Of course. But my dreams are based on what I witnessed growing up in the 1980s and 90s. I've seen a Conservative Revolution take place because strong leaders fought bravely and inspired many for what was right, and now I've seen that revolution fail because weak leaders turned their backs on their own values and principles.
We know how to get there. Let's just do it right this time.
And along the way NEVER forget that you are an American first.
posted by El Capitan at 9:41 AM
Well said, el capitan. Folks from both parties could benefit from reading your words here.
10:45 AMYour words hold enormous truth. Today is a difficult day, for those of us who do believe in what the Republican Party should be and can be. Today needs to be a wake-up call to those of us who desire a strong Conservative based party, who desire a strong military and who are proud to say simply, I am an American!
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
I will admit I was disappointed too. But like you have said, it is time to unite as Americans. This is the only way we will progress. I agree we cannot afford to allow our enemies abroad to perceive that we are weak. That would only embolden them. We cannot oppose policies simply for the sake of obstructing or serving someone's career. I hope both parties can act in sincerity instead of the circus that we have seen recently.
Remember the line from "Band of Brothers" that Major Winters said to Capt Sobol? "You salute the rank, not the man." God help anyone who is gutsy enough to take on the office of President.
It's easy to get pulled into the election postmortem. Thanks for reminding us what is most important.
11:43 PMYou're right, of course. In a perfect world, we'd all remember we're Americans and that each of us is accountable for our own actions. I loved the WSJ article and I'm sorry to say that I expect Pres. Bush will continue to be the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong in the world. My heart breaks for him. I'm a very unhappy camper these days.
3:12 PM