Tuesday, May 30, 2006
It's Bush's Fault Once Again
HIV infection rate stable for first time ever.Gee wiz... maybe it happened with a little help from old G-Dub. After all,
he donated a record $15,000,000,000 U.S. tax dollars to fight the Epidemic.
Of course he'll never get recognition for that one. I think we've finally found the one thing Bush won't get blamed for.
posted by El Capitan at 8:11 PM
Garfield Ridge on Blowing Things Up
Actually, he
wrote a great argument on the use of ballistic missiles as conventional weapons, something the Pentagon is looking into.
Worth the read.
As for Ballistic Missile Technology,
here's a great website dedicated to the Peacekeeper ICBM. I love this site because it shows something unique that the United States is the best at doing.

Nobody can hit a row of tin cans sitting on a fence from 10,000 miles away like we can. The Chinese still miss by miles, but they're trying to improve. The Ruskies could come within a few thousand feet, which partially explains why their nukes were always bigger. The Iranians... ha! They still can't hit the side of a barn.
Still, nobody is as good as we are when it comes to shoving warheads down the pie holes of dictators and hardened underground bunkers.

Hey Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! Catch!
posted by El Capitan at 6:57 PM
Oklahoma Bound!
Duty calls. The Air Force is sending me on down to Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, for a few days.

If time allows (and my wireless connection actually works), I'll be blogging from the Great State of Oklahoma until Friday.
Oklahoma! Home of
Steers and 'Well Dressed Rainbow Loving People'... or is it
I have no flipp'n idea.
posted by El Capitan at 6:17 PM
Note To Self: If I ever decide to mug someone, make sure it's not a Marine
Ex-Marine Fends Off Would-Be Muggers With Pocket Knife, Killing OneAce has the
scoop. Yes, the outcome isn't pretty, but it sure beats the hell out of this group of thugs continuing on with their violent rampage. Maybe it'll make other muggers think twice.
"They made the mistake of bringing guns to a knife-fight"
posted by El Capitan at 4:53 PM
Friday, May 26, 2006
Memorial Day Messages
Here's a
great site to visit this weekend. It's collecting various Memorial Day messages from the blogosphere.
Also, here's the reason why we celebrate Memorial Day.
American Revolutionary War1775-1783
Combat: 4,435
Other: Unknown
Wounded: 6,188
Indian Wars
Combat: 1,000 (approx.)
Other: Unknown
Wounded: Unknown
The War of 1812
Combat: 2,260
Other: Unknown
Wounded: 4,505
U.S.-Mexican War1846-1848
Combat: 1,733
Other: 11,550
Total: 13,283
Wounded: 4,152
U.S. Civil War
Union: Combat: 110,070
Other: 249,458
Confederate: Combat: 74,524
Other: 124,000
Union Wounded: 275,175
Confederate Wounded: 137,000
Spanish-American War1898
Combat: 385
Other: 2,061
Total: 2,456
Wounded: 1,662
Philippine-American War1899-1901
Combat: 1,108
Other: 2,108
Total: 3,216
Wounded: 2,779
World War I
Combat: 53,513
Other: 63,195
Total: 116,708
Wounded: 204,002
World War II1941-1945
Combat: 292,131
Other: 115,185
Total: 407,316
Wounded: 670,846
Korean War
Combat: 33,651
**(in-theater): 2,830
(not-in-theater): 17,730
Total: 54,246***
Wounded: 103,284
Vietnam War1964-1975
Combat: 47,369
Other: 10,799
Total: 58,168****
Wounded: 153,303
Gulf War1991
Combat: 148
Other: 145
Total: 293
Wounded: 467
Operation Enduring Freedom: Afghanistan/Pakistan
October 7, 2001-- Continuing
As of March 19, 2006
Total: 282
Killed In Action (KIA): 128
Non-Hostile: 81
(this number includes four CIA Officers killed in action against al-Qaeda/Taliban forces)
Total: 615
Wounded -Returned to Duty W/In 72 Hours: 278
Wounded -Did NOT Return to Duty W/In 72 Hours: 407
Operation Enduring Freedom: Philippines
Oct. 7, 2001-Continuing
As of September 12, 2004
Combat: 1
Total: 11
"Operation Iraqi Freedom"March 19, 2003-Continuing
As of March 19, 2006
Total: 2,318
Killed In Action (KIA): 1,779
Non-Hostile: 491
Total: 16,653
Wounded -Returned to Duty W/In 72 Hours: 8,947
Wounded -Did NOT Return to Duty W/In 72 Hours: 7,706
posted by El Capitan at 6:22 PM
Thursday, May 25, 2006
The New Air Force Uniform... Part II
Earlier this week I shared with you
the latest prototypes for the new Air Force Service Dress uniform. Some folks like it, others don't, but that's about how it works in the military.
A friend of mine sent me their take on the new uniform design. It is by far the best commentary I've seen on the issue.

'Commander, have those Star Destroyers attack Al Ramadi at once!'
posted by El Capitan at 11:02 AM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Milblogs Making the News... And a Difference
shares the great news that Milbloggers are making waves at Fox News and the BBC.
"I love it when a plan comes together." - Col. John "Hannibal" Smith
posted by El Capitan at 1:28 PM
Surfing the YouTube
I spent a few minutes checking out the latest on
YouTube.Com, and one video stood out above the others. I don't know what it is about
David Hasselhoff, but the man has spent his life doing stuff like
this and it's made him a fortune. (Warning: Excessive Hasselhoff Content)
Why did I ever go to college?