Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Garfield Ridge on Blowing Things Up
Actually, he wrote a great argument on the use of ballistic missiles as conventional weapons, something the Pentagon is looking into. Worth the read.
As for Ballistic Missile Technology, here's a great website dedicated to the Peacekeeper ICBM. I love this site because it shows something unique that the United States is the best at doing.
Nobody can hit a row of tin cans sitting on a fence from 10,000 miles away like we can. The Chinese still miss by miles, but they're trying to improve. The Ruskies could come within a few thousand feet, which partially explains why their nukes were always bigger. The Iranians... ha! They still can't hit the side of a barn.
Still, nobody is as good as we are when it comes to shoving warheads down the pie holes of dictators and hardened underground bunkers.
Hey Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! Catch!
posted by El Capitan at 6:57 PM