Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Yes, I Am Time's Person of the Year
Not sure how it happened. I've been a putz in almost every aspect of my life this last year, just keeping my head above water to get by. My blog is as random as anything could possibly be, which is ironically a mirror image of my life at the moment.
According to Time, I've been selected as their Person of the Year because my small contribution to the internet, added to everyone else's much larger contribution, has transformed the information age and given the power to the people.
"Who are these people? Seriously, who actually sits down after a long day at work and says, I'm not going to watch Lost tonight. I'm going to turn on my computer and make a movie starring my pet iguana? I'm going to mash up 50 Cent's vocals with Queen's instrumentals? I'm going to blog about my state of mind or the state of the nation or the steak-frites at the new bistro down the street? Who has that time and that energy and that passion? The answer is, you do. And for seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game, TIME's Person of the Year for 2006 is you. "
So, you... I mean I... am the Person of the Year. I accept this honor and promise to use this new power for good and not evil.
SEM SEO left an interesting comment which, after tracking down his website, made perfect sense. Indeed, I am NOT the Person of the Year. According to him, our men and women with boots on the ground are the real winners.
"These brave souls are getting wounded and dying everyday so YOU can drive your SUV's and play on your computer in order for a self serving magazine to name YOU person of the year. It's NOT you and its not me, its them, brave men and women that are putting their lives on the line everyday. You are NOT the person of the year, they are!"
He continues... "So now I'd like to challenge anyone who reads this blog to tell everybody, you are NOT the person of the year but you know who is. Let's all get together and find a way to show our gratitude to the real 'you' that is person of the year. Please don't buy into the myth that you are the person of the year, you should know by now who the real 'you' is."
So, for the record I am not Time's Person of the Year. I'll keep my 'Time' link up for the year only because it took me 10 minutes to make and it just looks cool, and yes... like Lindsay Fincher, I'll use it on my Resume, but in reality I know who the real People of the Year are.
Yes, even I get greedy sometimes. Must be that evil Officer blood in my veins. It's the stuff that turned me to the Dark Side.
posted by El Capitan at 8:36 AM
"I accept this honor...good and not evil"
Whew, That's a relief! No telling what havoc you could cause. :)
I promised no freebies or kick-backs, and definitely no bribes.*
*At least anything under 10K
I'm putting this "Time Person of the year" award on my resume
1:37 PMI love your TIME sidebar logo. BTW, I think the US Soldier actually was named person of the year a few years back...it was a cool looking cover
7:45 PMThanks El Capitan you are not as far gone to the dard side as you fear. Either way you are honorable.
You're right Lindsay but my point is that we've forgotten about them and forget that its still going on today.