Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Vote for GI Jill!
Who ya gonna call when you need a MEDIC!
That's right. Our Favorite Miss America contestant Jill Stevens from Utah, has an excellent shot at becoming Miss America on January 26th.
What I didn't know about until I went over to Gazing at the Flag's place was that we can vote for Jill as 'America's Choice' at the pageant.
"America's Choice! Battle Buddies,I need your help!This year, America has the opportunity to select a surprise 16th pageant finalist with "Miss America: America's Choice", an online competition that allows viewers to vote for their favorite Miss America contestant. I could really use all the support from my battle buddies in the Army family to help me stay in the fight."- Sgt. Jill Stevens
Sure, she's only asking for her 'Army Family' for help, but I still think we should all pitch in and giver her a hand. After all, she's going to catch enough flack for being in the military.
Let's show the pageant who our favorite really is.

Do it for the Children!
***Also, don't keep this a secret. Send the voting link out to everyone you know. I'd end with a loud 'Hooah' to motivate you, but then I would have to pay 5 bucks to our 'Hooah' jar here in the Air Force office.
posted by El Capitan at 4:57 PM
Responses to Today's News
Is there any other way to respond to these stories?
Message, not gender, turns voters off Clinton - Duh!
McDonald's Poses Coffee Challenge To Starbucks - Cool! (They have these around the world and they're actually nice)
6FT BY 150 INCHES - AND THAT'S JUST THE TV - Come to Papa!
Mexican Emergency Services Free Boy, 10, Who Glued Himself to Bed to Avoid School - HAHAHAHAHA, why didn't I ever think of that one?
1864 American Flag Found in Closet - Was it in there with Tom Cruise?
Third Man Dies From Tainted Dairy Products - "Dude, it says it expired in 1989. Let me try it."
Ron Paul a closet Neo Nazi - Duh!
Tom Cruise's $100 Million Nazi Movie - Was Ron Paul in it?
'American Idol' Winner Taylor Hicks Dropped By Record Label - If a tree falls in the forest...
Boy Scout Grabs Attacker's Knife, Saves Maldives President From Assassination - His Scout Master is Chuck Norris
NBC admits Obama Bias: 'It's hard to stay objective covering this guy'... - They were Objective?
Madonna tours Mumbai slum during India holiday - A material girl in a immaterial world
$2,500 car unveiling by Indian company... - Too many jokes to choose, I'd better keep my mouth shut on this one.
HILLARY UNLOADS: YOU'RE NO MARTIN LUTHER KING... - Yes, and Hillary is no President Clinton.
Schwarzenegger wants constitutional amendment for budget powers... - He already has unlimited flexing muscle powers
Bush Chastises Tehran on Gulf Intercept... - Whereas Reagan would have said, 'Bring It On.'
China scurries to contain mice on U.S. flight... - I thought that's what they called fast food?
Russia says it is ahead in race to put man on Mars... - Whatever. They still can't even bring our flag back from the moon.
Golden Globes 'CANCELLED'... - If a tree falls in a forest...
posted by El Capitan at 2:36 PM
'We gotta get out of this place...."
I'm trying desperately to tie up the million loose ends, tasks, jobs, and emails so I can get out of here. It's hard to drop all of this work and just walk away.
Yet, I still managed to have a good day yesterday. I had a chance to eat breakfast at the Embassy because I was traveling in the morning. When I hit the street and started walking, a Marine pulled up and asked if I needed a lift. We ended up having breakfast at the Embassy together and talking about the Marines, the Air Force, and home. Nice guy. I wish I could have told my Dad about it. He's an old crusty Marine. Matter of fact my youngest brother should be finishing up Marine Corps basic training soon. I come from a long line of Marines. Go figure. Anyways, it was a good breakfast, and a good conversation. I've never met a Marine I didn't like.
After breakfast I made it to the place where I was supposed to catch a ride down south, but after an hour and a half of waiting, the ride was cancelled. Oh well, back to work.
The rest of the day went pretty slow, but around 8pm a friend came into my office and handed me a cigar. He's the president of our Baghdad Cigar Aficionado Club, and he came to rescue me from my overflowing to-do list. We went back into a place we call the Pirates Cove out here, and there were a few Army and Navy personnel, as well as an Albanian Officer and some retired guys. I spent the next two hours sitting in the freezing cold around a warm bonfire and good friends, smoking a great cigar and having an even greater conversation. I kept thinking to myself I was really going to miss this place. It's not the location that makes the deployment, it's the people, and I've worked with the best since coming out here in July.
It was a good day.
posted by El Capitan at 1:32 PM
Rescue Dawn DVD Winner
Sorry it took so long for me to announce the winner of the Rescue Dawn DVD. I received it in the mail about 3 weeks ago, and finally found the time to watch it this weekend.

-'Dude, what do you think we'd look like drawn as Anime characters?'
posted by El Capitan at 1:09 PM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
A Description of the Green Zone
Not a good description, but not a bad one either. Usually everything I read about the Green Zone in the news is from some Schlep of a reporter who's disgruntled about being here and either:
a) bashes the place and spews inaccurate information
b) gives out critical security details that put us all in danger (no kidding)
c) claims we're all pampered and spoiled with too many amenities
Always remember that when you come across an article about the Green Zone it's describing the State Department facilities and not the U.S. Military facilities. It's just a fact of life that State Department civilian employees will always be pampered compared to the military. It doesn't bother us because we know what we signed up for. It only bothers us when we read stories about State Department weenies back home who compare living out here to living in a prison where you're almost guaranteed to die from an attack (or a lack of Starbucks and Gap stores). Sure, most of us have the ability to eat at the Embassy or buy a Cup of Joe from the coffee shop, but we rarely ever have the time, and the pain of getting there from where we are sometimes outweighs the benefits.
So, without further delay I give you a somewhat OK, State Department-focused description of the Green Zone that doesn't appear to give out super secret security details, bash the place too much, and offers balance to the 'spoiled amenities' mantra.
Wow, it even has some photos. That elevates it up to 'OK' status.
A Darker Shade Of Green Zone
posted by El Capitan at 6:38 AM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
If You Only Read One Blog Post This Year....
.......make it this one.
It combines facts and reality (two pillars the media avoids at all cost) to give you the best account of why we're winning, why Al Qaeda and Iran are losing, and how the dynamic duo of the Western Media and Western Liberals played a decisive role.
In other words...
- Al Qaeda stated early on that they couldn't fight the US militarily, so the planned their fight for for the hearts and minds of the Western Media by slaughtering as many innocent Sunni and Shia Iraqis as possible to make it look like there was a civil war and force the US into a Vietnam-like withdraw
- The Democratic Party stated early on that they would force the US to withdraw the same way they forced us out of Vietnam
- The diverse Iraqi people unified to fight against Al Qaeda and helped Coalition Forces decimate Al Qaeda in Iraq
- The President, Secretary of Defense, and key Congressional and Military leaders never allowed the joint Al Qaeda/Media/Liberal tactic to prevail
- We're winning a war Al Qaeda, the Media, and the Democratic Party claimed was a lost cause
But please don't just read my overly simplistic summary, go read it for yourself. It will be the best blog post you've read in a long time.
(h/t Ace of Spades)
posted by El Capitan at 1:39 PM