Thursday, November 06, 2008
SITREP 6 Nov 08
Situation Report: Where the hell is El Capitan?
Same excuse, sort of. I've been busier than hell trying to juggle the new job, unpack boxes in the new, much smaller base house, spend time with the kids, workout, and survive.
To complicate things, I had shoulder surgery last week, just in time for Trevi's 6th birthday on Halloween. I've been at home for the last week recouping. Honestly, the staying at home sucks, but every time I think I can do normal things with my shoulder it painfully reminds me to sit down, shut up, and quit whining. If I don't let it heal properly it's never going to heal the way it needs to heal, and the problem will remain. I don't want that, so I've got to listen to the docs orders.
To complicate things even further, the wife is out of the country until mid-November, so I've had to pick up the slack around the house. Takes three times as long to do things, but it keeps me occupied, and the kids are enjoying the 'us' time. Last night was movie night, so we rented a few movies and had a blast.
To really screw things up, I started a new Masters Degree program. The reading and studying is great, but the typing really sucks. I'm fat-fingering this post with one hand right now, so you can guess how long it'll take to write my first essay due on Sunday night. The program is the first accredited online MA program offered by the USAF, and the first time the bums are actually paying for some schooling for me. I paid for my BA and previous MA, and I'm very proud of the fact that I did it on my own, but I do admit it would have been nice had the AF picked up some of the tab like they to for the science geeks in the Officer corps. Either way, I'm just looking forward to more research and writing. I miss that stuff.
So, is life complicated? Certainly. Am I working my ass off? Absolutely.
But aren't we all?
First snow today here in Omaha. If it builds up within the next month or two I might have to pay some kid to shovel it for me. Damn shoulder!
Then again, I can't wait to pick up my girls again, so I've got to heal properly. They grow up too fast, and I know they won't want me throwing them up in the air when they're 16.
Any questions or requests or you've got nothing better to do, feel free to email me. I've got time to respond. I know, unheard of.
And I stand by every word I wrote in that last post. I'm looking forward to the next Reagan Revolution. If I have time after my essay I'm going to read his biography.
Diga Me, El Capitan....
Viva La Revolucion!

posted by El Capitan at 3:13 PM
We can only hope that the Democrats live up to the standard they set prior to Ronald Reagan being elected.
10:51 PMLOL, rwa! I fully expect they will.
EC, sorry about all your troubles and aggravations. I guess we'll accept your reasoning for not posting. ;-) Take care!