Thursday, June 30, 2005
War Of The Worlds... Holy Crap!
Yes, that is my educated assessment of the film... Holy Crap!
Go. See. It. Now!
Dave at Garfield Ridge wrote an accurate review, so I'll leave the mumbo-jumbo to him. Personally I was on the edge of my seat and, yes, even slightly frightened at some points. It takes a hell of a lot to get me edgy like that.
It's the best $7.50 I've spent in years, other than that night in Rosarito Mexico, but I've disavowed any knowledge of that incident. Plausable deniability.
I'm going to go see it again this weekend with the wife.
posted by El Capitan at 7:59 AM
This Is What A Timetable Looks Like

Rooftop of the Baghdad Hotel in the overrun Greenzone?
For those who are demanding that the U.S. set a timetable for leaving Iraq, this photo is the best example of what timetables create... chaos. (Hat tip Don Surber)
Time to open up the history books once again because those in power seem to keep forgetting what they so desperately want to repeat.
posted by El Capitan at 7:47 AM
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
All Hell Has Broken Loose
We've reportedly just upgraded to DEFCON 3.
-The subs have been released.
-The B-2s are airborne.
-The 'Football' is open and the safety was removed.
-Our troops currently in the Middle East are packing up and headed north.
-Most importantly, the pizzas have been ordered for the War Room.
Why the commotion? "Russian President Vladimir Putin walked off with New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft's diamond-encrusted 2005 Super Bowl ring." (Hat tip Ace)
...all the while the UN is working diligently to draft a letter to the Russian Federation to tell them that if they don't return the ring, the security council will hold additional meetings to determine if they should write a second, more stern letter, telling Russia that the UN is very, very, very displeased with them.
Putin was last reported hospitalized due to uncontrollable fits of laughter.
UPDATE: I was just informed by Dave at Garfield Ridge that the National Security Council has scrubbed the bombers and has contacted General Beringer. (aka Barry Corbin) He's currently 'pissing on a sparkplug' to make things better.
posted by El Capitan at 1:30 PM
This Just In...

Fight The Power! (Just don't forget the whipped cream)
Set aside the war, politics, poverty, global warming, and all the other hub-bub for one minute for this very important news item.
Starbucks is giving away FREE ICE CREAM today, 29 June 2005, at every store.
Yes, I know there are more important things in life at the moment, but I'd love to see a run on every Starbucks outlet. These guys have enslaved me with their tasty beverages and caffeinated crack, so today is my day to make sure they pay for what they've done.
So go now... run, walk, drive, bike, bus, fly, I don't give a rats ass how you get there, just go and plunder their stores of their delicious and addictive ice cream while you can. Let them know that we're not going to stand for their attempts at world domination any more!
Also, make sure you say thank you for the free grub. You may just get seconds.
posted by El Capitan at 7:56 AM
Discovery's Greatest American: The Winner Is

You talk'n to me... You talk'n to me?
I was actually hoping for Lincoln to come in first followed by Reagan, but honestly I'm just happy they even recognized him for his accomplishments. After the MSM's attempted smear campaign went down in flames last year, I wasn't sure what to expect.
One thing that is for sure is this man is still my hero. I'm curious as to how things would be different if he were running the show. The Soviet Empire and the GWoT are two different enemies, but it would have been great to hear Ronnie's take on our newest foes. His image and words still inspire and uplift me to a level that G.W. has never been able to equal.
With regards to the top ten list, Thomas Jefferson should have been in there and well ahead of Oprah and Elvis. Makes you wonder who did the voting. I was never thrilled with this concept of voting for the 100 Greatest Americans because it's taking these important people and turning their accomplishments into a VH-1'esq episode. I guess these days I'll settle for any discussion on the history of our nation and it's important historical figures. You take what you can get.
Congratulations Gipper.
posted by El Capitan at 7:43 AM
Slow Blogging... Odds and Ends
This week the wife is on a cruise down south, which leaves me in charge of the brood. The good thing is that my late-night hours have been spent catching up on all the best 'guy' movies I've missed lately. The bad thing is that I've had zero time to write anything meaningful.
So be patient or I'll kick your arse.

The big smackdown... Where's Samuel Jackson?
Stayed up late watching Iron Monkey, a Quentin Tarantino 're-release' martial arts film worthy of being called one of the best... on par with Fists of Fury and Enter The Dragon. The Kung-Fu portrayed is simply breathtaking. Oh, and the storyline isn't bad either, which is rare for a film in this genre. If you haven't seen it, go rent it.
Woke up early this morning and was greeted with the opening scenes of Firefox, one of the coolest Cold War movies ever. Of course I gave myself some ample time to watch it, which ruled out getting to work early like I had hoped. To make matters worse, as Firefox was ending, another great classic was starting... So I Married An Axe Murderer.
Damn these dirty cable companies!
UPDATE: Movies on my list to watch while the wife is sipp'n margaritas in Cancun (Me bitter? naaaaa)
Iron Monkey
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Top Gun (comic relief)
So I Married An Axe Murderer
Flight of the Pheonix
Indiana Jones x 3
Office Space
Tora Tora Tora
The Naked Gun
Blackhawk Down
Saving Private Ryan
Space Balls
History of the World Part I
Chronicles of Riddick
Starship Troopers
posted by El Capitan at 7:22 AM
Monday, June 27, 2005
Baby Steps...

Instilling freedom, peace, and national pride in Iraq... Priceless
posted by El Capitan at 5:10 PM
What Will It Take To Wake Up?
Beijing devoted to weakening 'enemy' U.S., defector says
"China's communist leaders view the United States as their main enemy and are working in Asia and around the world to undermine U.S. alliances, said a former Chinese diplomat."
"The United States is considered by the Chinese Communist Party as the largest enemy, the major strategic rival."
I'll write more on this when time allows, but for now I just wanted to point out the fact that our current uni-polar world is quickly evaporating. China's accession to superpower-dom is almost entirely our doing, yet our hopes and their intentions are on totally opposite sides of the spectrum.
In a twist of irony, maybe we need to listen to some advice from 'Rage Against The Machine'....
"Know Your Enemy!"
posted by El Capitan at 7:55 AM
Something's Gotta Be Wrong With Me
I'm still very concerned about my taste in music, and this morning's drive to work illustrated just how messed up I truly am. In order, this is what I tuned into via XM radio on my way to work:
Snoop Dogg - What's My Name
Olivia Newton John - Magic
Jimmy Cliff - Wild World
Love and Rockets - So Alive
Primus - Hamburger Train
John Fogerty - Centerfield
Wycleff Jean - Guantanamera
I seriously need professional help.
posted by El Capitan at 7:25 AM
Friday, June 24, 2005
Gaze Into The Thumb Matt... Deeper...

I'm telling you it's a Scientology Mind-Meld...
Run For Your Freak'n Lives!!!!!
posted by El Capitan at 5:33 PM
Scientology Is Sexy Like Me Baby... Yea!

Stay away from the thumb... It's a Scientology mind-meld trick!
Drudge had a very interesting link to the Matt Lauer vs. Tom Cruise smackdown on the Today Show. During the interview the Grand Shaman of Scientology, High Priest Cruise, used his magical mind-meld thumb trick to distract the gullible Lauer, and then whipped out his rather 'tiny' edition of L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics to smack Lauer upside the head. Lauer was able to dodge most of the Shaman's blows, but he did take a few to the gut.
In the end the two agreed to disagree about psychiatry, prescription drugs, Brooke Shields, and the inadequate size of Cruise's 'tiny' book. Lauer did press Cruise about his inability to convert more carbon-based life forms with brains to Scientology, but the response as predicted was another mind-meld thumb trick followed by yet another ineffective smackdown.
During the final showdown Cruise, while standing over Lauer and whipping him with his 'tiny' book, could be heard shouting 'Take it Iceman, you know you want it!'
UPDATE: I have nothing against Scientology or anyone who adheres to its beliefs. Everyone has a right to follow whatever belief system they choose to, and as long as that system does not bring harm to others then I won't demonize it.
The only problem I have with Tom Cruise right now is that he's pushing his beliefs on others. In his eyes if you're not a believer, then you're wrong. I have my beliefs and I certainly share them with others when the time is right, but I refuse to push those beliefs onto others, and I would never belittle someone if they didn't adhere to them.
I think Mr. Cruise is having difficulty separating 'his' reality from the real world. In his reality he is never refused what he requests... never told no, never told that he's wrong, and forever praised for every little thing he does by his circle of well-paid aides, agents and lackies. I can imagine it's easy for stars like himself to get sucked into that self-centered reality, but that's not how the rest of us live our lives.
Thus Mr. Cruise's attempts at pushing his belief system, whatever it may be, will never have their intended effects on us 'non-believers.' Instead, all he's accomplished is to piss off a lot of his movie-going fan base and turn his positive reputation from that of a macho action/adventure star into yet another Hollyweird megalomaniac full of B.S., which is short for Barbara Streisand of course.
So my message to Mr. Holmes-Cruise-Streisand.... shut up now while you still have a diverse fan base. I don't want your future movies polluted with thoughts of unease, anger, or negativity... the same feelings I get when I watch Jane Fonda or Barbara Streisand. Yes they're great actors and the movies are good, but I still feel dirty when I leave the theater.
Don't make me feel dirty Tom.
posted by El Capitan at 7:34 AM
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Study: "Brain sees violent video games as real life"

El Capitan rolling through the LBC back in the day
I don't believe this study one bit. Just because I pop caps in the asses of virtual Mo-Fos does not mean I actually become a Gangsta in Grand Theft Auto. I know the difference between gaming and reality, and I'm confident most gamers can tell the difference.
The study claims that gamers actually feel the same emotions of violence when playing violent games. Again I disagree. I've 187'd a few gangsta haters in my day and the games feel nothing like the real thing.
I'm tired of us video game fans being stereotyped. It hasn't stopped since the Pac-Man days when critics claimed us Atari zombies roamed the streets late at night dressed in bright yellow pillow cases looking for ghosts. Give me a break... we only did that on Halloween.
posted by El Capitan at 5:06 PM
Best Halloween Costume Ever!

posted by El Capitan at 10:02 AM
Let's Make Iraq a War For Oil - For All Iraqis
Arthur Chrenkoff's latest post of brilliance, written by Boston-based financial writer and former Clinton Speechwriter Lenny Glynn, is an idea bound for the blogosphere hall of fame.
Set up an oil revenue-sharing fund for the Iraqi people, similar to what we do up in Alaska.
"As vicious as the post-Saddam struggle for power in Iraq is, there is a powerful political weapon that no party or faction in that country has taken up - yet. Once deployed, this weapon could, at a stroke, undercut the insurgency, promise the vast majority of the Iraqi people a far richer future than any they have known and create a powerful, long-term force for democracy, national unity and economic development. The weapon, of course, is oil.
The way to deploy is to offer to share this vast wealth with the Iraqi people - directly - just as the State of Alaska shares surplus oil revenues through the Alaska Permanent Fund with its 600,000 citizens."
(Continue Reading)
In a nutshell this would offer every citizen of Iraq an opportunity to share in their nation's treasures, and to truly become a share-holder in Iraq's future. Outstanding idea from an outstanding blog, and worth every minute.
posted by El Capitan at 7:11 AM
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Future Actress, Doctor & President

Okay... I smiled, now where's the cash?
I told my 5 year old I would put her on the site for Father's Day. Gotta love Photoshop. We had a wonderful day building one of those pre-fab storage sheds behind the house so that we could empty the garage. She's quite the little engineer.
The only downside to the day was when a couple of boys her age, dressed as Star Wars characters, walked up to her with me standing by her side and told her they liked her. They then proceeded to run away quickly. I've never wanted to tear a child's head off more than I did that moment, but I kept my cool when my daughter turned to me and said that those boys were stupid.
I'm teaching her well.
posted by El Capitan at 11:06 PM
Woooo Hoooo! Red on Red!
Hat Tip Ace of Spades via Winds of Change via... awe screw it, this is just too cool!
Late Sunday night, American marines watching the skyline from their second-story perch in an abandoned house here saw a curious thing: in the distance, mortar and gunfire popped, but the volleys did not seem to be aimed at them. In the dark, one spoke in hushed code words on a radio, and after a minute found the answer. "Red on red," he said, using a military term for enemy-on-enemy fire.
Marines patrolling this desert region near the Syrian border have for months been seeing a strange new trend in the already complex Iraqi insurgency. Insurgents, they say, have been fighting each other in towns along the Euphrates from Husayba, on the border, to Qaim, farther west. The observations offer a new clue in the hidden world of the insurgency and suggest that there may have been, as American commanders suggest, a split between Islamic militants and local rebels.
A United Nations official who served in Iraq last year and who consulted widely with militant groups said in a telephone interview that there has been a split for some time."There is a rift," said the official, who requested anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the talks he had held. "I'm certain that the nationalist Iraqi part of the insurgency is very much fed up with the Jihadists grabbing the headlines and carrying out the sort of violence that they don't want against innocent civilians."
posted by El Capitan at 5:11 PM
Advice From A Mass Murderer, Dictator, Rockstar
GQ Magazine's portrayal of Saddam Hussein is like that of a washed up yet adored rockstar. Don't they know that this guy killed and tortured hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of his own people. You wouldn't know it after reading GQ's interview with the U.S. troops who guarded him for a year.
On History and Politics
"Reagan and me, good."' "He said, 'I wish things were like when Ronald Reagan was still president."' President Bush and his father, former President George H. W. Bush, are "no good," while former President Bill Clinton was "OK."
On Hiding
Never tell someone you’re hiding in a spider hole. “Only one person knew where he was hiding and betrayed him.”
On living in Prison
He liked to tell jokes, write poetry, tend to his garden and smoke cigars. He requested a pingpong table but was refused.
On Dieting
He likes Doritos, which he would eat by sprinkling drops of water into the chips' bag beforehand, the soldiers said.
On Women
He would offer advice on women. "He was like, 'You gotta find a good woman. Not too smart, not too dumb. Not too old, not too young. In the middle. One that can cook and clean. Then you thank her, and you go...' And Saddam smiled and made the gesture of bending a woman over and spanking her, as if to say: This is how you keep her in line," one soldier said.
On Hygiene
The captive would wash his hands immediately after shaking someone's hand and would wipe down his tray, table and eating utensils meticulously before eating, they said.
posted by El Capitan at 7:57 AM
Monday, June 20, 2005
Lebanese Voters Kick Major Ass!!!

This guy is just too cool.
Once again, the Doctrine of Democratization wins in the Middle East.
(BBC) "Lebanon's anti-Syrian opposition bloc has won all 28 seats in the final voting round, clinching a majority in parliament, official results show. The victory of the alliance led by Saad Hariri was confirmed by Interior Minister Hassan Sabeh. The opposition will now have 72 seats in the 128-seat legislative body. The election - held in four stages - was the first since Syrian troops pulled out of the country in April after 29 years. "
posted by El Capitan at 7:58 AM
Kuwaiti Woman Kicks Ass

Maasouma quickly followed up with the middle finger when asked to comment on the comparison between her and Senator Hillary Clinton.
Kuwait's first female minister, Maasouma al-Mubarak, is yet another example of why we are fighting for democracy and human rights in the Middle East. To me, Maasouma al-Mubarak is more of a woman then 'The Senator From New York' will ever be. She's earned her seat in the Kuwaiti Parliament.
posted by El Capitan at 7:52 AM
Arthur Chrenkoff Deserves Honorary Milblog Status!
Want to know why?
Go here..., then here..., and even here.
This Aussie has red, white and blue flowing through his blood.
posted by El Capitan at 7:20 AM
Does This Really Surprise Anyone?

"Turn out the lights.... light a candle." We need the smooth sounds of Teddy Pendergrass right about now. Photo via Matt Drudge
Seriously folks, does this really surprise anyone? When you've been standing on a soap box for 13 years telling people how morally bankrupt this guy truly was, stuff like this isn't shocking. We expected it.
The funny part is that it won't change a damn thing. It's now time to sit back, throw your feet up, and watch every excuse in the book come flying across the front pages and news websites. The excuses of course will come from other folks. Clinton learned all to well that not saying a word is as good as gold. Well, he actually learned that when you get caught with your pants down don't lie about it, but silence is golden as you will soon see.
Yes this guy has done some good stuff for the country AFTER he left office, and yes he's a good statesmen. This doesn't change the fact that he's got some dirty laundry to sort through. Bags and bags of it.
Can't wait to see how Hillary uses this to her advantage.
posted by El Capitan at 6:58 AM
Friday, June 17, 2005
Someone Go Help Dave Out With His Life-Altering Dilemma
Dave at Garfield Ridge is perplexed by something that comes down to the very core of humanity itself. Please help him out with his dilemma.
posted by El Capitan at 5:30 PM
The Media's Vietnamization of Iraq Continues...
(link) "A U.S. Army staff sergeant was charged with murdering his two commanders last week at a base outside Baghdad, the military said. ...On Wednesday, the military charged Staff Sgt. Alberto B. Martinez of Troy, N.Y., with two counts of premeditated murder, according to a statement issued in Baghdad.
Martinez is believed to have allegedly used some kind of explosive device, possibly a grenade, in the attack, military officials said on condition of anonymity because the matter was still under investigation."
Capt. Phillip T. Esposito of Suffern, N.Y., 30, the father of a 1-year-old girl, was a company commander. 1st Lt. Louis E. Allen of Milford, Pa., 34 and a father of four, was a company operations officer.
When I first read about these two Officers the military reported that their deaths were caused by a Golden Bee-bee... the infamous lucky shot I used to worry about when deployed last fall in Kirkuk. The incoming rockets and mortars were rarely aimed properly, so the terrorists who fired them were hoping to hit something... anything... to cause damage. Occasionally they would get something, but 99% of the time they hit sand. Sadly, it looked as though one of these shots had gone into the window of a room and hit these two long-time friends as they were playing a game of Chess.
Now that the initial investigation is over and the facts are out all any of us can do is sit back, mourn for the victims and their families, and wonder why this happened.
What problems could SSgt Martinez have had that were so overwhelming to have caused him to kill two young Officers while they were playing chess? Was it the stress of combat, bills back home, a divorce, an attempted suicide? Was he a Muslim who, like the soldier down in Kuwait in March of 2003, killed his superiors because he didn't want to possibly have to kill other Muslims? Was he a bad apple who was tired of getting into trouble and took revenge for a recent disciplinary action?
Sadly, no matter what the reason, SSgt Martinez is now the newest 'poster-boy' of the media. His story... his excuse, will be plastered on newspapers and TV screens, with each reporter ending his or her story with an obvious sympathetic tone that will enrage some and make others feel guilty for this 'poor victim of life'. "After all," they'll say, "it isn't really his fault because he is enlisted and his actions were reminiscent of a slave killing his master."
SSgt Martinez's actions not only destroyed the lives of his victims and their families, they've tarnished every Enlisted soldier of every service who proudly serves his nation. Today's Enlisted soldiers are educated, intelligent, highly trained and highly professional people who sacrifice so much of their lives to further the mission of their particular service. The media's portrayal of SSgt Martinez as a poor, innocent, manipulated and victimized human being who was under the thumb of these big bad slave-driving Officers will tie all Enlisted personnel to his so-called horrible plight. According to many in the media, people only enlist in the military because they're poor, uneducated, and coerced by the military, making SSgt Martinez a perfect fit for their biased, anti-war perspective.
This story is still breaking, yet the media's proven track record of the 'Vietnamization' of this war means the horrible act of a cowardly, criminal man will be elevated to that of a brave act of defiance by a maverick soldier/victim who was only acting out of his patriotic duty to protest this horrible, oppressive administration and it's illegal war.
Capt. Esposito, Lt. Allen, the 5 children, 2 wives, and dozens of family and friends are the real victims of this cowardly act. The murderer Martinez and his media cheerleaders may not understand that fact, but the military judge and jury that convict and sentence him will.
posted by El Capitan at 5:02 PM
A few funny links... (slow day)
Ralph Nadar continues to drop the N-Bomb
PETA Employees Arrested on Animal Cruelty Charges
Ideas for Office Pranks
posted by El Capitan at 7:24 AM
Thursday, June 16, 2005
"The Friend of my Enemy..."

I hope they meet their Terrorist heros where they're going.
If you haven't read up on it yet, go over to 'The Stupid Shall Be Punished', a great blog from a dedicated Idaho Navy Sub veteran who covered the funeral of Cpl. Carrie French who was killed when an IED struck her vehicle in Iraq.
As expected the local Inbreds turned out, but you'll see in the pictures that the Police and Fire Departments provided an ample supply of vehicles to help hide these pathetic excuses for human beings.
Ma Duece, I know what you're thinking and I'm right there with you. All I can ask is that God have mercy on the souls of these pieces of sh#t because I never will.
posted by El Capitan at 5:02 PM
Isn't She Sexy? Yeah Baby... Yeah!

"She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean, she was the best damn woman that I'd ever seen..."
Sorry, I just couldn't contain myself after seeing this photo of the first F/A-22 bound for Langley AFB, Virginia. This Bad Mama Jama will be flying the friendly skies in no time, keeping the peace along the East... Coast that is. I'd hate to be the Cessna Pilot who runs into this little lady while breaking a No-Fly Zone around D.C.
(Hat Tip Argghhh!)
Update: The first F/A-22 Squadron is based down at Tyndall AFB, Florida. The bird pictured above is the first going to Langley AFB, VA.
posted by El Capitan at 7:43 AM
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The Possibilities Are Endless...

I've come to the conclusion that anything I could possibly add to this picture just wouldn't be as funny as leaving it blank. The possibilities are endless, but the picture truly does speak a thousand words... or jokes. Of course your ideas are always welcome.
posted by El Capitan at 5:01 PM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Happy Birthday To Our 'Big Sister' Service

Awwww, Isn't That Special
Blackfive has the breakdown of events scheduled to celebrate the 230th Birthday of the United States Army.... whom we in the Air Force like to call our Sister Service. They may be older then us, but we're always ready to help them out when they need a lift.
C'mon, someone's gotta stoke the fires of service rivalry every now and then.
Seriously though, you guys and gals rock! Happy Birthday, and many wishes for continued success in force tranformation and terrorist ass-whoop'n.
posted by El Capitan at 7:50 AM
New Military Blood

Yo Joe! Where's My Damn Coffee?
Yesterday I noticed someone different in the office hallway wandering around like a lost pup. I noticed the crisp uniform, the newly pinned bars on the collar (instead of sewn on), and the cleanest boots on base. It was a newbie.
I walked up and introduced myself, and then chatted with them for a minute about where they'd be working. The conversation was brief, but it was enough to reinvigorate me. I walked away with hope for the future of the Air Force.
This 'Kid' was new blood... a trained leader without any experience to actually lead, but with the heart and confidence to move mountains. It's so easy to get caught up in the daily routine of military life and forget what it was like to pin on those bars and report in for the first time. This new Lieutenant was beaming with something... something that most of us tend to forget along the way and must be reminded of every time we see a newbie.
Whether an Officer or Enlisted, it doesn't make a difference. That 'something' that the new folks bring in with them reminds us all as to why we joined, and it helps those of us who have been thinking about leaving to reconsider. No, we don't stay because we're refreshed by the presence of new blood. We stay because... well, how could we leave the military in the hands of these newbies who couldn't find their ass from a hole in the ground? There's a reason new Lieutenants aren't allowed to touch sharp objects in the office.
It's up to us 'old folks' to show them the ropes. (Old Folks.... I'm 29 and the newbs make me feel like 50)
posted by El Capitan at 7:45 AM
Friday, June 10, 2005
Do You Even Know What Freedom Is?
My response to an anonymous comment on MDG's site regarding the freedom of speech and how the press can print whatever they want, no matter how false or misleading it it may be, and no matter what the consequences are to the innocent victims of their words.
Indeed the constitution protects freedom of speech, but when someone uses speech that knowingly brings harm to others, isn't that crossing the line? It's the old story about yelling 'Fire' in a crowded theater... hundreds died being trampled, and the person claimed his Freedom of Speech protected his actions, but the freedom of speech does not protect such actions.
Yelling 'fire' which resulted in numerous deaths is similar to publishing countless false or misleading stories about U.S. soldiers and our Government. Too many innocent lives have been lost because of such reporting. Is this not the same thing as yelling 'fire'?
I'm 100% for the freedom of speech, and I will proudly stand up and protect that right for all. I will not however protect those who are directly harming or purposely putting in danger the very constitution that promises that freedom and the people like myself that have sworn protect it.
Until you've sacrificed everything to protect your freedom and the freedom of others, you will never understand what freedom is.
posted by El Capitan at 5:16 PM
Where Do They Get Those Wonderful Toys?
I remember watching a Discovery Channel show years ago about non-lethal weapons of the future. One in particular was a sound device that caused nausea and dizziness when used against large crowds, yet there would be no physical injuries to them. It looks like the future is now.
Israel has just started using the device, called 'The Scream', against protesters. It's such a successful weapon, Israeli officials are saying they will use it against Jewish settlers who do not leave Gaza this summer when it comes time to hand the land back to the Palestinians.
"Protesters covered their ears and grabbed their heads, overcome by dizziness and nausea, after the vehicle-mounted device began sending out bursts of audible, but not loud, sound at intervals of about 10 seconds. An Associated Press photographer at the scene said that even after he covered his ears, he continued to hear the sound ringing in his head."
I want to know when the U.S. will start using these things. When they do use it I wonder if protestors will add those $300 Bose noise-canceling headphones to their list of other must-have protest equipment, such as bandanas and masks to filter out tear gas and hide their faces, and rocks and Molotov cocktails.
I can't wait to hear the ACLU whine about this as well. C'mon, it's non-lethal and causes no risk to life or limb. It can even be marketed as the 'Environmentally Friendly' method for crowd control.
I'm sure the radical Environmentalists will enjoy it.
posted by El Capitan at 7:14 AM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Just How Rich Are You???
Open this link and use the site to find just how rich you really are when it comes to the rest of the world. Trust me, it's an eye-opener. Enter an amount and hit the 'Show Me The Money' button.
Global Rich List
Thanks to Major K. for the reality check. (I knew those Army Officers were good for something.)
posted by El Capitan at 5:02 PM
When The Goomba Asks, He Shall Receive
Nickie Goomba is asking a Favor. Read his request and I promise you won't be disappointed.
"(Referring to the link on his post) It links to a blog called, of course, FREE THOUGHTS.Stefania, a 23-year old woman on the Italian Island of Sardinia, writes a blog that will inspire you all. This woman lives and breathes a passion for freedom; freedom for women in the Middle East, freedom for Cubans under the heel of Fidel Castro, freedom for the embattled citizens of Zimbabwe, freedom for Iranians... You get the idea.
She idolizes Ronald Reagan, admires Natan Sharansky, and despises the ACLU.For those of us who sometimes think we're fighting a losing battle, Stefania is a breath of fresh air. She believes that there is a better future if we all demand it and work for it. Her unsophisticated blog displays all the youthful passion and fervor for Conservative values that so many of us hold in our hearts.OK, Here's what I'm asking you...
1. Visit her blog and say hello. It is not a professional site, and it loads slowly, but it contains photos and postings that will inspire you. Her small army of Conservative friends are listed in the lefthand column of her blog. It's heartening to know that Stefania is not a lone voice in Europe.
2. If you agree with me that her passion must be supported, please link to her site. You may even want to use her logo as a visual link somewhere on your blog.
3. Tell another blogger about FREE THOUGHTS. Tell them that there are people in Europe and the Middle East who hear Conservative voices from America, AND THEY GET IT."
I don't know about you, but I get it. Go to the site, it's worth the effort. I wish I could order you all to do it, but I'm just a Captain in the United States Air Force. I can't even order a Diet Coke off base without someone screwing it up.
posted by El Capitan at 7:59 AM
Sure, What The Hell.
Everyone Needs A Library - Thanks to DB for forcing me at gunpoint to comply with the demands of the blogosphere.
1. Number of books you own: One fully loaded bookshelf, and 3 more boxes in the garage from college.
2. Last book bought: The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach. Yes, a man can dream.
3. Last book I read: Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown.
4. Five books that mean a lot to me: Past Watch, The Redemption of Christopher Columbus by Orson Scott Card; The Worthing Saga by Orson Scott Card; Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison;
Masters of Chaos: The Secret History of the Special Forces by Linda Robinson; Idiot's Guide to Anything.
posted by El Capitan at 7:57 AM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
At Least Give Them An 'E' For Effort!
If they worked this hard to get to America, let 'em in. Just make sure they're all legit first. You can't be too careful these days.

Does this mean they'll be placed on the 'No-Fly, No-Boat List'?
posted by El Capitan at 5:01 PM
But It Always Worked In The Movies!
I'm curious if the victim's family will sue movie studios who always show action heros hitching rides on airplanes via the landing gear.
Body Parts Fall From Airplane
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
FLORAL PARK, N.Y. — A man's leg and part of his torso dropped out of the wheel well of a jetliner near Kennedy Airport (search) and plunged into a suburban neighborhood Tuesday, coming to rest in a home's backyard, authorities said.
The flying body parts made for a ghastly discovery for Pam Hearne, who heard "a loud crash" and later was stunned to see a foot clad in an Adidas sneaker and a sock in the middle of her lawn, said Officer Thomas Blanchard. The leg and torso dented the shingled roof of her garage. Police suspect the remains are from a stowaway who may have been crushed as the South African Airways (search) jet lowered its landing gear.
...There have been cases of stowaways being crushed by the mechanism in aircraft wheel wells and perishing from the extreme cold at high altitude.
posted by El Capitan at 7:45 AM
Understand Iraq, Whatever It Takes...
If you ever want a different perspective on the situation in Iraq I recommend visiting some of the many blogs Iraqis have set up for themselves. It's amazing to have such an open window into the lives of those you're trying to bring freedom to, even when some don't even want you there. There are blogs from former regime members that spout off anti-U.S. hatred, some that are pro-liberation that share countless good stories and perspectives, and then there are some from people like you and me... Average Joes who just want a safe place to work and raise a family.
Start with Iraq the Model if you haven't been there already. From there use his links to find many others.
One that I read often is A Star From Mosul, by a young upper-middle class girl who lives in Mosul with her family. She's definitely not a fan of the U.S., but she understands why we're there and is definitely experiencing the new fruits of freedom. Her father, another blogger, writes 'A Family From Mosul' and gives a good adult perspective as well. He recently posted a story about the newest force protection measures taking place in Mosul. Taxi cabs can no longer have trunk lids on their cars due to the latest increase in car bombs. It's small stories like this that you'll never read about in our papers.
Again, good perspectives from the folks who live it every day. You may not always agree with their views, and they may not always agree with ours, but realize that ten years ago nobody could have imagined where any of us would be today... let alone the fact that we'd have so many windows into the lives of people on the other side of the world who teach us about life as much as we teach them.
posted by El Capitan at 7:30 AM
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
WTF? Who Are We Hiring To Guard The Freak'n Border?
This is just so sad. I'm quickly losing faith in our nation's security...

BOSTON - On April 25, Gregory Despres arrived at the U.S.-Canadian border crossing at Calais, Maine, carrying a homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles and a chain saw stained with what appeared to be blood. U.S. customs agents confiscated the weapons and fingerprinted Despres. Then they let him into the United States.
posted by El Capitan at 10:38 PM
I Found The Canadian Chainsaw Man!!!

Tell me you don't see the resemblence between her and the Canadian Chainsaw Smuggler. This story is getting stranger by the minute. If I start seeing Oompa Loompas around here I'm running for the hills.
posted by El Capitan at 10:35 PM
Live News Mistakes.... Priceless
Came across this MSNBC mistake, and yes... it's priceless. I wonder how quickly they retracted this error in reporting... or was it an error at all?

She made a fortune during the Clinton administration...
posted by El Capitan at 7:28 AM
Monday, June 06, 2005
Another Must Read by Michael Yon
If you get few seconds you should stop by Michael Yon's site and read his latest dispatch from Northern Iraq. This guy is a great supporter of the troops, and one hell of an inbed with the Army out of Mosul.
I'm hoping he starts some type of aide effort or blog-drive for the village he wrote about. At least something to help them out with their water woes.
posted by El Capitan at 7:49 AM
Interesting Read on Soldier Rap
Soldier Rap, The Pulse of War
"......For American audiences, the best-known voices are probably the freestyle rappers in the documentary "Gunner Palace." The film, which opened in March and is coming out on DVD this month, follows the daily lives of an Army artillery unit billeted at a mansion formerly belonging to Saddam Hussein's elder son, Uday. "There's going to be a whole culture that emerges from this war," says director Michael Tucker, who lived with his subjects for two months. Spc. Javorn Drummond, 22, one of the palace freestylers, has been rapping since he was a kid, but he says Iraq was a whole different thing. "In Iraq you can lose your life in half a second," he says. "But rapping keeps you focused. If you're sittin' on a gun and you're tired, waiting for a sniper to come at you, you just start thinking up a rap and your fear goes away. It's motivation, you get an adrenaline rush from it." He and his fellow rappers Richmond (Hotline) Shaw and Nicholas (Solo) Moncrief have rotated back to Fayetteville, N.C., where they're working on a compilation CD."
(Continue Reading)
posted by El Capitan at 7:38 AM
Friday, June 03, 2005
Congratulations Boy!
Just wanted to say Congratulations and Way to Go to my Step-Son who graduates today a year ahead of his class. You may drive our minivan like the General Lee, and you may talk like a drunken sailor now and then, but you're one of the smartest and brightest kids I've ever known.
Now it's time to get a haircut and get a real job!

Way to go Butthead!
Here's the commencement speech I wish you could hear tonight.
Here's a small portion- "You know the mantra: You have the right to a job. The right to a place to live. The right to a living wage. The right to health care. The right to an education. You probably even have your own pet right - the right to a Beemer, for instance, or the right to have someone else provide for that child you plan on downloading in a year or so. Forget it. Forget those rights! I'll tell you what your rights are! You have a right to live free, and to whatever wealth you are able to produce with your labor. I'll also tell you have no right to any portion of the life or labor of another."
One more great speech by Charlton Heston. Trust me, this one beats the dribble you're going to hear tonight.
posted by El Capitan at 7:40 PM
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Recent U.S. and Iraqi Air Force Losses
Because of the Air Force's limited supporting role in post-invasion Iraq, our losses have been very small in numbers. Sadly, on Monday the list of U.S. casualties grew by four.
U.S. Air Force-
Maj William Downs, 40, a pilot, of Winchester, Va.;
Capt Jeremy Fresques, 26, Special Tactics Officer, of Clarkdale, Ariz.
Capt Derek Argel, 28, Special Tactics Officer, of Lompoc, Calif.,
SSgt. Casey Crate, 26, a combat controller, of Spanaway, Wash.
Iraqi Air Force-
Unknown Pilot
posted by El Capitan at 7:27 AM