Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Silence is Bad
I'm locked up in a hotel in the middle of an industrial park within 5 miles of the beach, yet I can't leave. You want to know what torture is... this is it in it's purest form. To make it worse, my laptop battery failed and my wireless card for my laptop broke, leaving me stranded from the rest of the world. All I have is this P.O.S computer in the lobby of the hotel.
This sucks, and will remain sucky until I fly back home on Friday.
I guess it could be worse. I could be down on the Gulf Coast.
This still sucks.
posted by El Capitan at 7:23 PM
The level of suckiness is always relative & although you can remind yourself there are deeper depths of "sucks", it doesn't always work to make you feel better.
Hang in there! Friday is coming!!!
That does suck. If you want I can look for some keys for you...
4:45 PMBeen there. Keep your chin up.
Alicadem AKA Iraqcad.
Where are you?
Locked in a hotel room?? What, are you on jury duty or something?
9:09 AMEl Capitan! Where have you been...been looking all over for you, but alas, you are in a hotel room. where? where oh where...
Ill be checking up on you, if you need anything call roomservice :)