Thursday, January 04, 2007
Welcome Readers
In my effort to set sub-standard goals and continuously fail to achieve them this week, I didn't realize that I was being featured on's site.
Welcome to the site if you haven't been here before. It started out as a way of keeping in touch with family and friends back in 2004 when I deployed to Kirkuk Iraq. It's now one of the most random sites on the web. One day you'll get astute commentary on nuclear proliferation or Air Force budget news, the next day you'll wonder whether or not a 4 year old stole the password to this site and is holding it ransom.
Feel free to add it to your list of links, and if you have any questions about me, the Air Force, milblogging, how to make a potato gun, bake sugar cookies, or build a bathroom from scratch, send me an email.
Most importantly, be sure to thank J.P. Borda for creating the site. Before him, we were just a bunch of unorganized heathens with keyboards. Now we're a very organized, slightly suave and sophisticated, bunch of heathans with keyboards.
At least the Air Force folks are. Everyone else seems to be doing pretty well out there.
Either way, welcome aboard... I'm your Captain.
While reading this site, don't forget to Dodge, Dive, Dip, Duck, and.... Dodge.
posted by El Capitan at 2:43 PM