Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Economy & Global Warming
We're all going to die!!!!
Funny how everyone was panicking yesterday about the drop in the DOW/NASDAQ/ETC. If you watched the news you'd think we were just days away from soup lines and 'Hoover Towns' of box homes and starving people.
What the headlines should have said was, "DOW drops to December numbers." Basically it lost very little, and is still higher than it was all of last year. It could drop 1000 points and we'd still be in good shape.
Not if you listened to the news though. It's all a show for ratings.
Global Warming
I was watching a CNN story on how one of Al Gore's mansions uses 20x more energy than the average American. They transitioned to a website that calculates your 'carbon footprint'.
This is where it gets good.
Not only do they calculate your carbon footprint, they then give you the option of offsetting it by contributing a voluntary tax to an organization that cares about the environment. In other words, the more you drive, travel, and breathe, the more you need to pay.
I'm all for donating to worthy causes and to organizations that you feel make a difference, but this is a TAX, not a donation. I guarantee that you'll be seeing a 'Carbon Offset' tax within the next year here in the U.S. I know the UN has been trying to pass a global carbon tax, but we all know who'd be footing the bill on that one.
My challenge to this theory of taxing to save the environment is this: If we've been paying taxes to stop hunger, genocide, famine, and disease, why haven't those been taken care of yet? And, if these things aren't being fixed, why do you think taxing our toasters and washing machines will save the world?
This website is a glimpse of things to come.
posted by El Capitan at 9:57 AM
Every time I hear someone whine about global warming, it makes me want to go outside and burn some Styrofoam.
11:48 AMUsed to burn that stuff for fun when I was a kid. Probably explains the lack of braincells on my part, but there was nothing like the smell of melting styrofoam in the morning.
11:56 AMDoes this post have anything to do with Al Gore's nomination for an Oscar for his global warming movie "An Inconvenient Truth"?
We were just talking about that on the dog forum I go to and it's pretty funny to see just how much of a great, big, fat hypocrite Al Gore really is.
While Al Gore wants us to reduce our carbon footprint, his mansion in Tennessee uses on average the same amount of electricity in a month that the average American household uses in ... *drumroll* ... a year.
Ah well... who are we to question him. The man invented the Internet, after all.