Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Roll'n With My Homies
Blackfive posted an outstanding video of some terrorists who fired an anti-aircraft gun at some good guys, and then went trotting off through the woods holding hands and singing Kumbaya.
That is... until we responded.
Also, if you haven't heard, it sounds like a very important Iranian General has defected to the United States via Turkey, and he's spilling his guts to our folks. I hope this is true. If so, he's our next American Idol.
And, a hearty congratulations to Dave at Garfield Ridge for chasing the dream. He's giving up a high-paying, high-power position with Uncle Sam to go back to school and get his PhD.
Very sweet. I hope to follow suit some day... I just need to get that high-paying, high-powered job with Uncle Sam first. If not Sam, then maybe Uncle Heffner.
And finally, I can't wait to see 300 this weekend. If my head stops wanting to explode and my lungs start working again, I'm going to see the movie at an IMAX theater.
If you're going to see blood, you might as well see lots of it.
posted by El Capitan at 10:43 PM
El Capitan,
Do you think they'll be historically accurate and remember to put it the "battle buddies" they were so famous for?