Friday, September 21, 2007
Help With a Cigar Website
I've been tasked with a mission so vital, so important... the fate of our world depends on its success. Well, maybe not the world, but there's a lot of free cigars involved if I succeed.
I was tasked to build the official website for the Baghdad Cigar Aficionado Club (BCAC) here in the IZ. Now, this would be a no-brainer if I could use Blogger.Com as a site host, but blogger/blogspot is mostly blocked here in the IZ, and totally blocked down at Camp Victory.
So, here's what I need help with.
1) I need to find a place that can host the website. We're willing to pay for the domain, but it can't be expensive.
2) Blogger provides nice templates for blogs, but I won't have any for a site. I need to find a host that provides templates, unless of course I can just use the same HTML code? Is anyone familiar with this sort of stuff.
Once I have a domain that is accessable out here, and an HTML template that allows us to blog, we're set. I can do the rest. (stop laughing, I think I can do the rest)
Any advice or assistance in getting me there, please send it my way.
Do it for Arnie...
Captain Sidoti kicks serious ass. Help him fulfill his mission or else he will become just another loser girly-man.
posted by El Capitan at 9:49 AM
Personally I'd reccomend Yahoo! The web hosting starter is $12/mo, 5Gb disk space, 200Gb bandwidth, php and mysql support, plus e-mail addresses. I've used Yahoo! for 4 years now, hosting my Grandpa's RV park website and a couple of gaming websites. The service is pretty flexible, so all you'd have to do is come up with the code for the site. I'm sure that somewhere out there there's a blogging script that can be fit into a template.
12:24 PMHost it at DotEasy -
It's $25 a year for the domain name and free, no-ad hosting. The no-ad hosting has a restriction on bandwidth, though (1gb). You can upgrade to a different plan with unlimited bandwidth and 20gb storage, too. I think it comes to $140 a year for that.
I have three of my domains hosted with them and never had any trouble. They are not putting .htaccess stuff up for me so people cannot direct-link any of my images. Makes me a very happy camper and their service is really great.
They have free templates, too. You can also use regular html or even templates from the old Blogger if you modify them (strip the Blogger code).
If you want to do a Blog format for the site, you can write entries / updates in Blogger and then use the Blogger FTP function to put it all onto your domain. It's pretty simple and easy.
Let me know if you need help. You know I "do" that kind of thing.
not was supposed to be "now"
3:07 PMAt we have sponsored the Tali Banned Cigar club, maybe we could help out your club. HMU via email and we can talk.
10:40 PM