Wednesday, May 21, 2008
laundry soap
Words of advice....
Never, ever pack concentrated laundry soap in a bag with your clothes when traveling.
It just doesn't come out of the suitcase once the bottle breaks open, and my clothes now reak of concentrated April freshness even after being washed twice in the five-dollar per load Holiday Inn Express washing machine.
'So Dude, why do you smell so bad? Did your car crash into a "Summer's Eve" feminine hygene factory?'
'No, I stayed at a Holiday Inn Epress.'
I hope the airline loses this bag over the Pacific.
posted by El Capitan at 2:53 PM
I *wondered* what that smell was!
Sorry that happened, Dude. NO fun.
Just think how much you'll save on deodorant! There *must* be a silver lining there somewhere...
...and NOT over the Pacific - let 'em lose it in Sydney.