Saturday, November 08, 2008
Omaha Coffee Shop
Trying to work on my first paper for the new MA program, so I've exiled myself inside this coffee shop in Omaha. So far not too bad, although they've really overdone the 'depressed goth' chic. Hopefully there's more places like this around here. Still not as good as the 'College Perk' coffee house out in College Park, Maryland. Nothing beats that place.
I have a pathetic weakness when it comes to studying and writing. I can't study without being in a coffee shop or some kind of sit-down place. If I'm at home in a quiet room with nobody around I can't do anything, yet if I'm in a cafe I can write dozens of pages non-stop.
Pathetic? Yes.
Necessary evil? Yes.
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posted by El Capitan at 12:30 AM
I wouldn't say it's pathetic at all. Most people have their own ideal conditions for studying.
I used to like listening to music when I studied.
Looks like an interesting place, even with the attempted "depressed goth" decor.