Thursday, November 13, 2008
Overheard at the Republican Governor's Association Meeting

Like a wild
Grizzly Bear, you have to take the Democratic message by the head, wrestle it to the ground, gut it, stuff it, then mount it on the wall of untruthful political crap.

And furthermore, all of you better get off your asses, rediscover your principles, and grow a damn backbone before 2010 or else I will personally take you out.

....Excuse me, but is that Alfred Hitchcock standing behind me, to my left? Honey, get my rifle.

...and it's a pleasure to meet you Sir, but let me warn you. If you fail to take this party back to where it belongs, you're going to join the Congressional Republicans who failed us after the 2000 elections. I have them mounted in my out house.

I see you moderates lurking in the shadows.
C'mon and grow a pair. You either stand with us as Conservatives or you get the hell out of the Republican party. You can always go start the 'Spineless
Pansy Party for
Woosified Girly-Men'. I hear they're in need of some gutless douche bags.

Whether you're a brother or whether
you're a mother,
You're stay'in alive, stay'in alive.
Feel the city break'in and everybody shak'in,
And were stay'in alive, stay'in alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stay'in alive, stay'in alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stay'in alive.
Now let's go take back Congress in 2010!

That Governor Palin lady.... The Force is strong in this one.
posted by El Capitan at 10:24 PM
Lord, she's pretty! I'll bet she could take 'em all down if she wanted to - one way or another. ;-)
Palin for President - 2012!
11:53 PM