Saturday, December 30, 2006
My Staff Wishes You All A Happy New Year!
posted by El Capitan at 11:07 PM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Happy New Year!

Make 2007 a good one!
posted by El Capitan at 4:46 PM
Arthur Chrenkoff's New Book, 'Night Trains'

Remember world-renowned blogger Arthur Chrenkoff? If not, take a stroll through his archives and you'll see why he was one of the best early bloggers out there. His 'Good News from Iraq' and Afghanistan series is still unequaled today.
Arthur is also an emerging Science Fiction author, and he released his first Sci-fi novel in late October 2006 called 'Night Trains'. I read it, enjoyed it, and highly recommend it to anyone who would like a good thriller to read over this holiday weekend.
I was dumb enough to not take the time to meet up with Mr. Chrenkoff while I was spending time in Brisbane Australia in October. I still owe him (and many others) a beer, but with the tight schedule and screaming kids, it just wasn't meant to be at that moment. Personally I think he's one of the best writers out there, which is why I jumped at the chance to read his book the day it came out. You can read the first couple of chapters here if you want to get a feel for the book.
So go and read it if you're interested, and let me know if you liked it. I know I really did.
posted by El Capitan at 9:51 AM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
New Air Force BDU Completes Testing Phase
posted by El Capitan at 12:30 PM
When Air Force Academy Cadets Screw Up....
***UPDATE Below***
It's all of our jobs to make sure their mistakes are amplified across the internet. I've seen some pretty stupid letters come from Academy Cadets who think they are already God's gift to the Air Force, and the best of the letters usually get spread around the Air Force global email network just to remind us all as to who the next leaders are.
The following letter isn't the best one I've seen, but it is a good example. The BEST was when a Cadet emailed a worthless gripe letter directly to the Secretary of the Air Force, James Roche, back in 2001. I think almost every member of the Air Force got to respond to that one.
This one is titled "Cadet request for F-15 ride"
Lt. Smith,
I am a cadet at the Air Force Academy trying to arrange a flight with the 333rd Fighter Wing between 21 December and 5 January. I have my Secret Clearance and Physiological Training Card and can coordinate any AOC approval or necessary medical clearance (Form 1042). My presence does not impose any limitations on the mission; I'm just along for the ride.
Any further guidance or authorization you can provide on this matter is much appreciated. Email is the best way to contact me (########), but my cell phone number is #######.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Very Respectfully,
C3C George R. ####### IV
United States Air Force Academy
Now, the best part of letters like these are the responses. Here is the direct response from a Major to this Cadet. It's priceless.
From: Maj T#####
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:09 PM
To: S####### George R IV
Cc: ...
Subject: RE: Cadet request for F-15 ride
You've got some brass balls on you, cadet fourth class George S#### HIV ( that your real name, lose that 'IV' crap, it just sounds stupid). Let's break down your message and maybe we can educate you on a thing or two.
"I'm a cadet at the Air Force Academy."
This message should be over right here. Period dot. Cadets don't troll for rides, they EARN them through the proper channels just like everybody else. We've got a long list of maintainers who have earned awards through this wing to get incentive rides. These guys bust their asses in the freezing cold and blistering heat and only the lucky few get the privilege of having a ride. Name me three things you think you've done to 'earn' a Strike Eagle ride. Seriously. And by the way, I've read about all the 'hard work' here -
And I quote "The learning curve was very steep this past year as I learned about military culture and doctrine in a pretty stressful environment." Brother, you have no idea what a stressful environment is.
"trying to arrange a flight with the 333rd Fighter Wing"
Sweet mother of pearl, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. We are the 333rd Fighter Squadron, and we are a division of the 4th Fighter Wing. If you want to snivel a ride from us, you ought to at least get your facts straight. This is the foreshadowing of your ignorance, let's continue....
"I have my Secret Clearance"
Your secret clearance doesn't mean f*** all to us. You think we're going to take you up on a tactical sortie? You think we're going to let you sit in on classified briefings? You think we're going to hang out and talk tactics with you? YGBFSM.
"and Physiological Training Card"
Your physiological training card doesn't mean f*** all to us. Remember all those hard working maintainers I mentioned earlier? Not one of them has a physiological training card - don't try to impress us with that crap.
"and can coordinate any AOC approval"
Last time I checked, the AOC didn't run the flying schedule of the 4th FW or coordination of our incentive flights. Apparently you're not familiar with chain of command and proper channels. Let me tell you what this does NOT consist of; it does NOT consist of going VFR direct to the 333rd Fighter Squadron scheduling shop and bothering our hard working schedulers. This consists of you talking to your commander, your commander talking to our commander, somebody in between giving the approval, and then in the middle of your pipe dream you will be denied your flight.
"My presence does not impose any limitations on the mission; I'm just along
for the ride."
You couldn't be more wrong. What exactly is it you think we do here? Do you know anything about the F-15E? Do you know anything about Seymour Johnson? Do you know anything about the 333rd? Since it would seem the answer to all of the above is a blatant 'No', I'll clue you in. In the F-15E, while we do have two seats, the second seat is not an empty seat that only gets occupied when goobs like yourself call up looking for a ride. It's a seat for qualified aircrew - we call them Weapon System Officers. He is an essential part of our mission and we don't give him the boot for guys who are looking to bum a ride. Also, the 333rd is a Formal Training Unit. That means that we train young pilots and WSOs, so to give you a ride, we would either have to boot a student WSO in aforementioned formal course, or an instructor WSO trying to teach said student WSO. Get the picture?
"Any further guidance or authorization you can provide on this matter is
much appreciated."
...and I'm spent - Hopefully this will serve as all the guidance you need. Gents, if there is something I have left out of this mentoring session with young cadet third class citizen S####### the HIV, please feel free to chime in.
Maj T#####
It's stuff like this that makes trudging through email worth it. Thanks to 'Tumbleweed' for sending this my way. Would have been a tragedy to miss this one.
UPDATE: From Tumbleweed:
I heard from a fairly reliable source that Maj T**** from the 333rd FS did
indeed get in some hot water for an unprofessional response to Cadet
S***** IV. The Commandant of Cadets at USAFA got wind of this incident
and placed a call to the wing commander out at Seymour-Johnson. The ball
rolled downhill and the major got in trouble. The highlight of this fiasco
is that the cadet is getting his F-15E ride.
Amazing what some whining can do huh? Now here's another question. Just
what kind of ride is the cadet going to be getting? Are they gonna put him
through the wringer? Or will it be a straight and level sleep inducer?
posted by El Capitan at 9:27 AM
James Brown... My Best Concert Experience of All Time

James Brown was one of the most entertaining, best dancing, best all around performers to ever grace the stage. I was lucky enough to see him perform 5 years ago up in Fairbanks Alaska. The day before the concert I heard him on the radio giving an interview, and I couldn't understand the guy. I expected his show would be just as 'old' and unintelligible, but thankfully I was 100% wrong. James Brown kicked ass that night.
His moves, his voice, his style, his attitude, his command of the audience... unmatched. He owned that place, and to this day I always tell people the best concert I've ever been to was 3rd row James Brown.
Even now, when I'm doing my PT test for the Air Force, I'm listening to James Brown on my Mp3 player while running. Nothing gets me moving faster on the final stretch than hearing that repeating line from 'Sex Machine' which says 'Shake yo money maker....'.
Thanks for all the good times James. Your music and style influenced this nation more than you'll ever know.
posted by El Capitan at 8:47 AM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Happy Birthday Jesus

posted by El Capitan at 9:12 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Jesus Statues - Collect 'em All
Looking for strange gifts online, I came across these Jesus sports statues. Yes, I understand the significance and the symbolism, but you've got to admit that seeing Jesus coaching Karate students is pretty funny.

The best part about all of this is the fact that we're the only religion that can do this sort of thing. Try making a Mohammed doll and you'll end up on the sharp end of a machete.
posted by El Capitan at 10:57 AM
Last Minute Shopping
It's Saturday and I have yet to go shopping for the little lady, so I'm off to go fight the masses of other losers like myself who waited until the last minute.
I hear they're sold out of these babies, so I need to actually get creative this time around.
posted by El Capitan at 10:48 AM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Zucker Brothers Take On The Iraq Study Group
Why? Because it's funnier than hell, and it says everything we've been trying to say about what happens when you try to appease those who want to destroy you. The Zucker brothers nailed this one.
I'd nominate it for an Emmy, but I don't think the golden statue would do the video justice. This needs to be a paid advertisement that shows nightly on every network for the next two years.
posted by El Capitan at 12:03 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Yes, I Am Time's Person of the Year
Not sure how it happened. I've been a putz in almost every aspect of my life this last year, just keeping my head above water to get by. My blog is as random as anything could possibly be, which is ironically a mirror image of my life at the moment.
According to Time, I've been selected as their Person of the Year because my small contribution to the internet, added to everyone else's much larger contribution, has transformed the information age and given the power to the people.
"Who are these people? Seriously, who actually sits down after a long day at work and says, I'm not going to watch Lost tonight. I'm going to turn on my computer and make a movie starring my pet iguana? I'm going to mash up 50 Cent's vocals with Queen's instrumentals? I'm going to blog about my state of mind or the state of the nation or the steak-frites at the new bistro down the street? Who has that time and that energy and that passion? The answer is, you do. And for seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game, TIME's Person of the Year for 2006 is you. "
So, you... I mean I... am the Person of the Year. I accept this honor and promise to use this new power for good and not evil.
SEM SEO left an interesting comment which, after tracking down his website, made perfect sense. Indeed, I am NOT the Person of the Year. According to him, our men and women with boots on the ground are the real winners.
"These brave souls are getting wounded and dying everyday so YOU can drive your SUV's and play on your computer in order for a self serving magazine to name YOU person of the year. It's NOT you and its not me, its them, brave men and women that are putting their lives on the line everyday. You are NOT the person of the year, they are!"
He continues... "So now I'd like to challenge anyone who reads this blog to tell everybody, you are NOT the person of the year but you know who is. Let's all get together and find a way to show our gratitude to the real 'you' that is person of the year. Please don't buy into the myth that you are the person of the year, you should know by now who the real 'you' is."
So, for the record I am not Time's Person of the Year. I'll keep my 'Time' link up for the year only because it took me 10 minutes to make and it just looks cool, and yes... like Lindsay Fincher, I'll use it on my Resume, but in reality I know who the real People of the Year are.
Yes, even I get greedy sometimes. Must be that evil Officer blood in my veins. It's the stuff that turned me to the Dark Side.
posted by El Capitan at 8:36 AM
Monday, December 18, 2006
Every Once In A While You've Got to Look Back

posted by El Capitan at 8:50 AM
Friday, December 15, 2006
Where Was I When This Happened?
I guess I was in Australia when this took place on 24 September 2006. Had I known about it I could have had a field day with captions. Now it's ranked as one of Reuter's Pictures of the Year. Of course she's fully recovered. If not, I couldn't have any fun.

- Wow, she really nailed that one.
- She was advised to avoid removing the wart from her foot, but she didn't listen.
- Is that a pole sticking out of your foot or are you just happy to see me?
- Are those your church shoes? They seem to be Holy.
- A field judge, a medic, and a javelin walk into a bar.....
- I didn't know Chuck Norris could throw javelins!
I could do this all day. Any ideas?
posted by El Capitan at 12:28 PM
Capt Kermit Evans... A Husband, Father, Son, Brother, and Outstanding Airman

I wrote a few days ago about Capt Kermit Evans, a young 31 year old EOD Commander who was killed along with 3 others on 3 December after the Marine Corps helicopter they were in made an emergency landing in a lake the Al Anbar province of Iraq.
His memorial fund is taking donations to help his wife, Perneatha, and 13-month old son Kermit Evans Jr.

(AF Times) Captain Evans was born April 15, 1975, in Hollandale, Miss. After graduating from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in chemical engineering, he entered Officer Training School in 2001 at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., and received his commission as a second lieutenant in November of 2001.
Captain Evans began his Air Force career as a general engineer, but after meeting (now retired) Master Sgt. John (J.J.) Holland at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Explosive Ordnance Disposal team, he decided to make a career field switch to EOD.
Sergeant Holland described Evans as "a very motivated, gung-ho civil engineer officer who was not satisfied with the status-quo."
Captain Evans questioned Sergeant Holland about EOD when the two men met after a staff meeting. Sergeant Holland said he believes it was after a tour of the EOD squadron at Nellis that Evans wanted to "go blow some stuff up." It was on a follow-up experience on the explosives range where Evans told Holland that this was what he wanted to do.
Retired Capt. Roger Christiansen also saw the motivation in Captain Evans, but tried to dissuade him by stressing the difficulties of being an EOD officer, the challenges of school and the dangers associated with the work.
"He wasn't phased by any of it," Captain Christiansen said. "Once I realized he was serious and that this was his true desire, I strongly encouraged him to do so. His attitude, humor and energy made him a natural."
It was this attitude, humor and energy that made Captain Evans a leader to be respected among not only fellow officers, but the men and women he led as the EOD flight commander.
"Every time we ran into a major obstacle or pitfall, he loved to say, 'Bring it on!'" said Tech. Sgt. Garet Vannes, 27th FW EOD. If there were problems, Sergeant Vannes said Captain Evans let his folks know, "I'll take the heat on that."
"(That was) just another example on how he felt that we were his team, and nobody was going to mess with his EOD folks," the sergeant said.
This attitude and determination led Captain Evans to be decorated with awards including the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal and the Commendation Medal. He led his unit to the 2005 Senior Master Sergeant Stryzak Award as the "Best Explosives Ordnance Disposal Flight in Air Combat Command."
posted by El Capitan at 10:01 AM
I've Got A Fever....
...and the only prescription is more C. Dexter Wise III baby!

posted by El Capitan at 7:30 AM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Barack Hussein Obama Presidential Advertisement
Already??!! Isn't this just a bit too much? I haven't watched it yet, but I can only imagine what it says.
"Are you tired of sending regular politicians to Washington? Tired of electing people with experience in governing to try and fix the problems that face this nation?
Well, do we have something special for you. For a small donation of $19.95, you can help fund the Presidential campaign of someone who has absolutely no experience in leadership, but he sure can give good speeches.
After all, you don't want someone with leadership experience becoming President. You want someone with a fresh perspective, someone with no clue, yet their intentions are good. After all, good intentions are what being a President is all about.
So, please donate to the Barack Hussein Obama Presidential Fund.
Remember, the future of the free-world is at stake. Let's send in a Rookie!"
*I'm Barack Obama, and I approve of this message.
posted by El Capitan at 10:35 AM
The 'Wolf' Smacks Down 'The Duke'
I'd given up hope for a majority of news channels, but I've got to give Wolf Blitzer credit for spending nearly 8 minutes of quality satellite time smacking down David Duke for being an Ass-Hat.
Worth the viewing.
***Apparently I suck at linking CNN video feed, so just go to CNN.Com and look under today's headlines.
posted by El Capitan at 9:30 AM
Yesterday my daughter went in for a minor surgical procedure. Thankfully all went well and she's back to her 'doing everything she shouldn't do' little self. This morning though, I just realized that, like many others, I've been burning the candle at both ends for far too long now, and now I'm paying the price.
Ever since taking on this new position at work I've seen very little of the family. When I am home I'm exhausted, so the quality time with the girls has really gone down hill. To top it off I started doing work to spiff up the house. Since I don't like losing my time with the kids, I usually do the stuff late at night once they're sleeping. Not cool when you're working so much during the day.
The dumbest thing I've taken on is to build a bathroom from scratch down in our basement. I'm 80% finished. I've plumbed everything, wired everything, framed everything, and last night I tiled the floor. Tonight I'll be dry-walling, sanding, and trimming everything so I can paint by Saturday and finally be finished. One week to build a bathroom. Fun... yes, but time consuming and, on top of everything else in life, exhausting and not worth it. I miss my family.
I'm stopping after Sunday. No more work until after Christmas. I want to enjoy the season, not sleep through it.
Well, that and I'm tired of everyone asking if we're testing missiles at the house.
posted by El Capitan at 9:06 AM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
History Repeats Itself....All Over Again.

According to the Iraq Study Group, we're supposed to work out our problems in Iraq by working with the government of Iran. Iran is currently holding a conference to debate whether or not the Holocaust ever took place during WWII. During this conference, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the person we're supposed to have rational talks with in order to make the Middle East a better place, stated that Israel will not exist soon.
Does this all seem like a really bad joke or a movie with an unrealistic and poorly written plot, or is it just me? This is absolutely pathetic.
It's becoming harder to tell the difference between those who are sane and insane. Pure evil is staring right into the face of the world, yet the world is doing nothing about it. The world's leaders are doing exactly what they did between 1918 and 1939 when evil was taking hold of Europe.... nothing.
What could the Democratic party of the United States have to gain by accepting the Iraq Study Group's recommendation for Bush to talk with Iran? What could they possibly gain by shaking hands with the very person who wants to oversee the destruction of the West? These guys aren't like our Cold War enemies that the Democrats loved to coddle with. This is evil, and evil is not to be bargained or negotiated with. These Fascists don't believe in the Socialism and Marxism that the Democrats were willing to compromise with and incorporate into the US government. These fascists want us either converted to their perverse version of Islam, or dead.
The lines were drawn years ago, yet we've done nothing but ignore their existence. What do we do once Iran builds nuclear weapons (and they will do it thanks to Russia and China)? Will we continue to ignore the enemies who have chosen our destruction as their ultimate reason for existence?
China and Russia are allowing this to happen because it is obvious that the US and the West will have to deal with a nuclear Iran without their help. Russia has everything to gain with a radioactive Iran due to its own abundant resources. It wants to become the next source of petroleum to the world. China will certainly not have to deal with any military action between the West and Iran. They'll continue to sit on the sidelines and benefit from our weakened state.
All of this is over of our heads. Those of us with no power can do nothing to change what's going on even though we can see it taking place right in front of us. We'll never get a majority to replace our national leadership with one that recognizes the obvious dangers we're facing. Nobody with power will ever be proactive enough to do something about it before it gets out of hand.
Sadly, as on 1 September 1939, it will take the start of a war to awaken the silent majority of us who knew we needed to stop evil from taking over. Nearly 63,000,000... mostly innocent civilians, died because fascism wanted to take over the world during WWII. 20,000,000 in WWII. What would a modern Global War look like in the near future? How many hundreds of millions of lives will be lost this time around?
Hundreds of millions... all because the leaders of the world won't get off of their asses and do something about evil in today's world. The same evil that is vowing to turn Israel into glass and destroy the West.
The same evil we're being told to negotiate with in order to hang innocent Iraqis, and our future generations, out to dry.
posted by El Capitan at 3:46 PM
We Have Nukes..... I Mean... We Don't... I Mean, Oh @#!!

Words of advice to anyone seeking to become a world leader: When you're country has nuclear weapons, but it has denied having them for decades....
It kind of lets the radioactive cat out of the bag, and trust me... it's one ugly kitty. I'm telling you, this Olmert guy couldn't fight a small-scale war with Hezbollah, and he certainly can't hide vital military secrets... why doesn't he just put on some knee pads, head on over to Iran and plead with the Mullah's to just be gentle.
That's what he is doing with his country.
posted by El Capitan at 11:45 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
An Easy Way to Say Thanks to the Troops
My brother-in-law, who as I've mentioned before likes to play with things that go 'boom' for a living, sent me a link to a great website that allows anyone to send a 'Thank You' note to the troops. Apparently Xerox prints and sends everything for free. I haven't heard about this before, but the word definitely needs to spread.
"The mission of Let's Say Thanks is to provide a way for individuals across the country to recognize U.S. troops stationed overseas. By submitting a message through this site you have the opportunity to send a free personalized postcard greeting to deployed servicemen and women."
"The postcards, depicting patriotic scenes and hometown images, were selected from a pool of entries from children across the country."
"All you have to do is click on your favorite design and either select the message that best expresses your sentiment or draft a personal note. The postcards are then printed on the Xerox iGen3® Digital Production Press and mailed in care packages."
Spread the word, and send a card! That's an order!
posted by El Capitan at 1:31 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Snowed Last Night...
posted by El Capitan at 8:39 PM
Santa's Little Elfkins

Sugar and Flour - $5
Messy Kitchen - 20 minutes of cleaning
Time with the girls making cookies- Priceless
posted by El Capitan at 8:00 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The Iraq Study Group and the New York Post
First, the Iraq Study Group report can be found here.
Second, I was going to try and be more diplomatic about the group's results, but I think the New York Post said just about everything I wanted to say.

Remember, the Iraq Study Group Seaks a Consensus. "To me, consensus seems to be the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values and policies. So it is something in which no one believes and to which no one objects." - Margaret Thatcher
I'll write more about my own personal Iraq Study Group, otherwise known as 'The Long War Playbook.' Until then, I'll just admire the New York Post's cover page a little while longer.
posted by El Capitan at 9:04 PM
December 7th, 1941

Never Forget....
posted by El Capitan at 8:50 PM
Capt Kermit Evans Memorial Fund
A website hasn't been set up yet for Capt Evan's family, but I did call the base and a fund has been established at Cannon Federal Credit Union, (505) 791-3353.
Capt Kermit Evans Memorial Fund
PO Box 2080
Clovis, NM 88102
If you can't donate, please help get the word out.
Thank you again,
posted by El Capitan at 4:08 PM
Major Troy Gilbert Website and Memorial Fund
Major Troy Gilbert's friends have established a website and fund to help his family. He left behind a wife and five children. Please stop by the site to read his biography and, if possible, lend a hand.
Also, please help spread the word about the effort. Every little bit helps.
posted by El Capitan at 3:56 PM
Gore - "Iraq Worst Mistake In Entire History of US"
No, actually Sir, electing you into office was the worst mistake in the entire history of the United States. What were we thinking when we brought you to power with our votes, thrusting such an unsophisticated, unintelligible, self-indulgent politician onto the world stage to represent the most powerful nation on earth?
I'm getting tired of listening to your pathetic rants about how terrible this nation is. If you don't like it, move. Go away. We don't want you here anymore. Move to Greenland. I'm sure they could use your help in shoveling their record snow fall that seems to be occurring, which goes against your defunct and money-driven religion of Global Warming.
Stop disgracing our nation, our military, and everyone who has fought and died in this war against Islamo-fascism that you Sir refused to even acknowledge for 8 years.
(The following statement is made to comply with Article 88, UCMJ) Other than all of your misguided, asinine anti-war, anti-U.S., anti-West, anti-Capitalism flatulence that you continue to spew, I'm sure you're a great and kind human being. Greenland could benefit from your vast knowledge of governing, history, and the environment.
Viva La Revolucion!
posted by El Capitan at 9:29 AM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Rest in Peace Capt. Kermit Evans, USAF
12/5/2006 - SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFPN) -- "Capt. Kermit Evans, an Air Force civil engineer explosive ordnance flight commander, was killed as a result of a U.S. Marine helicopter emergency water landing Dec. 3.
Captain Evans was one of 16 people aboard the Marine CH-46 helicopter when it made an emergency water landing near the shore of Lake Qadisiyah in western Al Anbar Province, Iraq. Twelve people survived, while Captain Evans and three other servicemembers did not survive. The incident does not appear to be a result of enemy action and is currently under investigation.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the Evans family as they grieve the tragic loss of this Airman warrior, husband, father, son and brother" said Lt. Gen. Gary North, commander of U.S. Central Command Air Forces. "Anytime we lose an Airman, our entire Air Force family feels the loss."
Captain Evans was from the 27th Civil Engineer Squadron, Cannon Air Force Base, N.M., and deployed to the 732nd Expeditionary Mission Support Group, a unit of the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Balad Air Base, Iraq."
As always, my fellow Airman and his family will be in my prayers tonight.
A close friend of mine who was the 'Best Man' at my wedding is also an EOD flight commander, and he's headed out for a year-long tour soon. EOD is a close-knit group, so I'll see if he knew Capt Evans and if he wants to share anything about him.
I'm trying to locate more information on Capt Evans, and to see if there's anything we can do to help support his family. The only thing I've found so far is an online memo from one of his supervisors talking about some news articles regarding the new 'CSI' type of unit Capt Evans was deploying with.
Strangely, the memo (posted online) asks not to spread the word about the organization, so I'll hold onto it for now.
posted by El Capitan at 4:53 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
Integrity, Service, Excellence

posted by El Capitan at 4:05 PM
Major Troy L. Gilbert, USAF, Killed in Action

12/3/2006 - (SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFPN) -- "Maj. Troy L. Gilbert, the pilot of the Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon engaged in support of coalition ground combat operations that crashed approximately 20 miles northwest of Baghdad Nov. 27, was officially listed as killed in action.
Positive identification was made through DNA analysis by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner.
"Our thoughts and prayers remain with the Gilbert family as they grieve the loss of a husband, father, son, son-in-law and Air Force warrior and patriot," said Lt. Gen. Gary North, commander of U.S. Central Command Air Forces. "His loss is felt by Troy's entire Air Force family."
Major Gilbert was flying in direct support of coalition ground combat operations when his plane crashed Nov. 27. Until the positive identification was made on Dec. 1 from human remains recovered from the crash site, U.S. Central Command Air Forces had listed Maj. Gilbert as "duty status whereabouts unknown." The cause of the crash is under investigation.
Major Gilbert was assigned to the 309th Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., and was deployed to the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing at Balad Air Base, Iraq."
(Courtesy of U.S. Central Command Air Forces Public Affairs)
High Flight
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .
Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew -
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
- John Gillespie Magee, Jr
posted by El Capitan at 3:16 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
IED Hunter - For All My EOD Homies Heading Back to the Sandbox
"Look at the Daisy Chain IED.... Beauty Mate."
posted by El Capitan at 10:02 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
What To Do With Two Playstation 3s

My oldest Step-son is a genius. He pre-ordered two Playstation 3 consoles before the mad rush for them a couple of weeks ago. He also waited in line for a third and got it.
His plan was to sell them on Ebay, but since everyone is doing that now, he's trying to find new and creative ways to sell his consoles.
So, we're looking for suggestions on what to do with the consoles. Any creative advice?
posted by El Capitan at 10:47 AM