Monday, April 30, 2007
Beware! May 1st Immigrant Rallies are not for Immigrants

Celebrate May Day, or else!
posted by El Capitan at 1:27 PM
San Francisco is Screwed

Turn out the lights... the Party's over!
When I was growing up in Santa Cruz California we had the big Loma Prieta (World Series) Earthquake in 1989, which shut down the Bay Bridge for a while. Yes, the Embarcadero fwy was also destroyed, but the Bay Bridge is THE artery connecting Oakland and San Fran. The tanker fire and bridge collapse in SF on Sunday has once again caused the closure of the most important roadway leading to and from San Francisco.
Ignore the red circle... It was supposed to be on the East end of the Bridge, not the West. It's Monday, give me a break!
As you can see on the photo above, there's really only 3 ways across the bay. Two of them are North and South... way out of the way for 90% of the commuters. This means that SF is cut off from most of its employment workforce, which lives across the Bay.
What they'll most likely do to speed up the repair of the bridge is what the State did after the 1994 Northridge quake (which I was lucky enough to be in as well). The State will offer an extremely large amount of money to a couple of companies to fix the Bridges, and they'll also include a bonus package. $1M+ for each day the bridge is completed ahead of schedule. It's basically free money to the contractor, turning a 4 month gig into a 1 month gig with lots of profit. It's worth it to the City and State, since they'll be losing millions in productivity while the bridge is closed.
Give it a month and things should be back to normal. Until then, it's going to suck being a commuter in the SF Bay Area.
It's OK, Cindy feels your pain.
posted by El Capitan at 12:33 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
Hillary & Obama at the Debates

1. "You thought we did well tonight, wait until you see millions of Iraqi's being slaughtered in the streets of Baghdad after we force a pull out. That'll give us a huge boost in votes when we can blame bush for that mess."
2. "Thanks again for last night sugar-lips."
3. "You know Obama, Bill's out of the Country this week. You can come over and try out the French Tickler John Kerry gave to me last year."
4. "This ain't water in my bottle, and yes I am happy to see you."
5. "Notice how all of these poor-ass Dems on the stage had to fly coach. Thank God for campaign donations, private jets, and gullible rich folks."
6. "So who did you sell your soul to in order to make it this far?"
7. "... and then Rosie said to me 'Ching chong, ching ching Hillary chong ching..'. We really had a hoot on The View. I'm going to miss that girl."
8. "Hillary, make sure you take off that million dollar pearl necklace next time you're telling those poor people how much you're just like them."
9. "Heeey der Obama. How's you like ma Southern drawl I been pract'cin for dis heer South Caroliiina de-bate?"
10. "Screw these losers, let's hop on my jet and hit Trump's joint in Atlantic City. We can bet more campaign funds in one hand of poker than these inbreds can raise all year."
posted by El Capitan at 9:07 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
U.S. Congress to Al Qaida and Iraq: We Surrender!
Congress Surrenders!
Obama: 'We are one signature away from ending this war'... 'which means we are one signature away from signing the death sentence for millions of Iraqi civilians, but you know what? Screw Them! You know how much money Democrats will raise if we're anti-war?! Screw them all, and vote for me in 2008!'
**I'm about as pissed about this vote as I was about the last one. Please pass the above photoshoped billboard around. It's my protest sign.
posted by El Capitan at 4:54 PM
Ask a Democratic Presidential Candidate!

Ha! So Funny GI!
posted by El Capitan at 3:44 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Hey, I'm On Google Earth!
posted by El Capitan at 8:40 PM
Help a Little Aussie Meet Keith Urban
Our first concert... she had a blast.
We’ve been to a couple of his concerts, and I was even able to get him to sign an Australian flag for Kalyssa. The highlight of the last concert for me was having Mrs. Keith Urban, aka The Goddess Nicole Kidman walk right past me while she was watching her hubby sing. It made the
drive worth it for me.

Annnyways, my wife is a member of Keith's fan club (go figure) and they’re giving away backstage passes for any concert to members who can sign up the most new members. Yes, I know I know… I’m schlepping for folks to sign up for Keith Urban’s fan club. Never thought it would come to this, but hey... anything for “The General” and my little Aussie.
Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, and Dierks Bentley... not too bad of a show.
So, if you’re interested in signing up (yes, it costs money… don’t kill the messenger) click on this link. It'll be logged under my wife's account if you register using the link. It's a good site because it gives the fans the first, the best, and the cheapest tickets to his concerts. (I wish The Police would do that on their new tour)
So remember, when you're signing up.... you're doing it for the children.
(I’ve always wanted to say that)
Awww shucks... she's worth it.
posted by El Capitan at 7:35 PM
Question on Property Ownership

posted by El Capitan at 4:41 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Miss Birdlegs Strikes Again
Every once in a while 'Miss Birdlegs' sends me an email that is just too funny to pass up. She's one crazy 'Bama girl. Matter of fact, hey Mrs. B, I forgot to mention that I just had dinner at the new 'Melting Pot' in Birmingham last week. Very impressive place. I grew up on Cali thinking Alabama was nothing but... well, you know the stereotypes. Instead, it's one of the most beautiful and green places in the United States. You're very lucky to live there... or at least you're lucky to live away from Montgomery.
Here's the first email:
There are two basic types of Yoga.
1. Yoga from India

2. Yoga from Alabama

And, here's the second email. I plan on doing this daily at work.
1. Open a new file in your computer.
2. Name it "Hillary Rodham Clinton"
3. Send it to the trash.
4. Empty the trash.
5. Your PC will ask you, "Do you really want to get rid of "Hillary Rodham Clinton?"
6. Firmly Click "Yes."
7. Feel better.
PS: Next week we'll do Nancy Pelosi, then Harry Reid, John Murtha, etc.
posted by El Capitan at 9:51 PM
Classic Deceit of the Political Elite
January 2007: The Democrat Majority U.S. Senate confirms General David Petraeus as the Commander of U.S. Forces in Iraq. The Senate agrees to allow Patraeus to enact a new strategy to stabilize Baghdad, requiring a surge in military manpower to accomplish the mission. Most Senators give the plan until September to show real progress.
April 2007: With only half of the proposed surge in place violence in Baghdad, though still bloody and frequent, has dropped by more than half since Patraeus' s plan was launched.
April 2007: Senator Harry Reid announces that the Iraq War is lost.
I'm not sure how much more of this political deceit crap I can stomach. Why would anyone approve of a strategy yet say, with success after success staring him in the face, the strategy has failed before it has been fully enacted? What has happened to our government when the political elite espouse the same rhetoric of our enemies in order to please the big donors of their political party. The Majority party in Congress have chosen to side with a violent and oppressive enemy, create nifty sound-bites for the fascist propaganda tools in the Middle East, and endanger the lives of the military men and women fighting on foreign soil.
All to please their donor base.
The U.S. military and nation has been sold out by the Political Elite.
Of course the War in Iraq has been full of mistakes and faulty strategies, but at least we've put up a strong opposition to the extreme ideology of Islamo-Fascism in the world. Before 9/11, the West turned a blind eye to the second rise of Fascism in the world. Finally the U.S. is doing something about it, yet our opposition to such an evil force has been opposed by a segment of Chamberlain-esq politicians who feel that a middle ground can be found if we just sit at the table and chat with the very people who have sworn to destroy us.
Next time the enemy beheads an unarmed captive, ask the terrorist organization behind the killing if a middle ground can be achieved.
Apparently Harry Reid thinks so. Why else would he be repeating Al-Qaida's talking points?
I could go on for hours on how bad the situation of political eliteism and the persistent ignorance in the Government on waging war is, using many historical events to back up my argument, but I don't have the free time to spout off like Senator Reid. I'm an Airman in the United States Air Force. I'm busy working my ass off trying to fight and WIN a war Senator Reid voted for, and a strategy his Senate supported.
And if you want to know how I feel the war should have been fought from day one, and how it desperately needs to be fought now, read some books on the tactics of General William Tecumseh Sherman and 'Total War.'
"Every attempt to make war easy and safe will result in humiliation and disaster."
In other words, waging war should not be taken lightly. The day Al-Qaida and the enemy forces in Iraq give up is the day we unleash the full capabilities of the United States Armed Forces. If we keep up this pussy-footing around the world, being more worried about public opinion in Europe than our national security, then 50 years from now they'll be printing off the first edition of 'The Rise and Fall of the United States of America.'
posted by El Capitan at 9:47 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
R.I.P. Boris Yeltsin

Basically, you did your best. You didn't help much, and you only left the country vulnerable to a new emerging anti-Democratic Dic (tator) who was short but deadly, Putin, but at least you tried. It's a lot more than anyone else in Russia had done for 80+ years.
So a toast to Boris! May your God and your liver forgive you, wherever you may be.
posted by El Capitan at 12:12 PM

Yep, it's a case of the Mondays all right. Sounds like I need a swift boot to the head by Chuck.

El Capitan, I said get off your ass and get to work!
posted by El Capitan at 11:35 AM
Friday, April 20, 2007

posted by El Capitan at 11:02 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Senator Harry Reid

Where's Osama? I'm ready to kiss his ass and make nice!

I imagine this will be posted on every office door in the DoD.
*Due to the UCMJ, I'm not at liberty to acknowledge where I stand on this issue. Bummer Dude.
posted by El Capitan at 8:39 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Juan Ortiz
I'm sitting here in my hotel room down in Destin Florida. I've been on the road for a while for the Air Force, trying to sell an idea to the various agencies within the Air Force that will greatly increase their capability to get the job done and directly help the troops in the field. I'll write more about this program later on.
Today is the day after the Virginia Tech Massacre, and I still can't believe it happened. Something about it is different. This situation is bigger than what it seems. It must be. Why else would I feel the way I do about it all?
Ironically my neighbor, who is a civilian in the Air Force, is down here at Eglin AFB working on another program. When I came back to my hotel for dinner she told me that one of her family members was killed at Virginia Tech. Sam, her husband and a good friend of mine, got the call that his cousin was killed in the Engineering building on Monday.
The following is everything I've found on Juan Ortiz so far. If you come across anything else, please let me know. I translated most of it from the San Juan papers. No US news outlets have anything on him yet. I'd like to change that.

Juan Ortiz was 26 years old, and a graduate student in the Engineering Department at Virginia Tech where he was studying Civil Engineering, focusing on Water Resources. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the San Juan Polytechnic University, and he carried with him the hopes and dreams of his family and his proud heritage.
Juan was recently married to Leslie Ortiz, who was also a student at Virginia Tech. They were planning on starting a family after they graduated.

His father said this to the AP.
"If I begin to speak of him I do not finish, he was an extraordinary son, which any father had wanted. The day of his wedding, I said a silly thing to him that only I, being a father, can understand why I said it, because I felt it in my heart. I thanked him for being my son. He was special."
To Juan Ortiz, Sam and Yadira, the Ortiz Family, and all of the other victims and families involved in this tragedy, we are here for you, we mourn with you, and we will never forget.
posted by El Capitan at 10:38 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
We Are All Virginia Tech

posted by El Capitan at 11:41 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
US Sneak Attack on Iran Planned For Today!
I forgot I had penciled in my schedule book that we were going to invade Iran today. At least that's what the Russians said we were going to do, and you know the Ruskies are NEVER wrong about us.

Rambo and Van Damm ain't got Shi'ite on me!
posted by El Capitan at 2:02 PM
Fundraiser for SSgt Matt Maupin, MIA
Hey, if you're near Cincinnati Ohio on 14 April, you now have plans for your Saturday morning.
That's an Order!
And if you don't remember who SSgt Matt Maupin is, Never Forget.
Matt Maupin Scholarship Run - April 14, Cincinnati Ohio
All are invited to participate in the annual Matt Maupin Scholarship Run on April 14th in Cincinnati. If you don’t ride, but would like to show your support we would welcome an honor guard holding 3 x 5 flags lining the road as we leave at the start of the run and lining the road at the end of the run. If you would like to participate but don’t ride please contact
Ride Information below:
Matt Maupin Scholarship Run
Sponsored by: Rolling Thunder Ohio Chapter 9 and the Yellow Ribbon Support Center
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Glen Este High School Parking Lot
4342 Glen Este-Withamsville Road -Cincinnati 45245
COST $15.00 Single $20.00 Double
Includes Gold Star Chili at conclusion of ride
Sign up starts at 10:00 AM: Ride Leaves at 12:00 PM
Ends at American Legion Post 72 497 Batavia Pike (Old 74) 45244
Free Music – Raffle Items – 50/50
Non-riders are encouraged to join us for a party and Gold Star Chili at the end of the ride for a $5 donation
Pray for Matt & warm, dry weather
For additional information or pre-registration appointments for groups of 20 or more, please contact James Reilly (Spy) (513) 602-9300
If you can't make it, please help get the word out.
posted by El Capitan at 1:07 PM
China, India, Vietnam, and Indonesia Score Big on Iraq Oil
This was a brilliant move on the part of Iraq (and hopefully the US).
China especially has shaped their foreign policy around energy trade, which explains their backing of Iran in the UN. China needs oil, and they'll sell their souls to guarantee their supply.
By giving China, India (another power house of consumption), and other non-Western nations a seat at the table in Iraq, they'll be more willing to back our efforts to stabilize the region.
Excellent move.
posted by El Capitan at 11:44 AM
Not The Way You Want To Spend A Holiday

It's scary how quickly this ship went under after hitting a reef. I was going to make a few comments, but since there's a chance that two people, a father and child, may not have survived, I'll shut it. I just hope they made it.
What's amazing is how the laws of the Sea work so well. It's one of the few places in this world where everyone has an obligation to rescue anyone in trouble on the ocean. Whether it's a shrimp boat, a cruise ship, or a sub, every vessel within sailing distance is required to drop whatever they're doing and rush to whoever needs help. And everyone does it without question.
I wish the rest of the world worked this way.
posted by El Capitan at 11:38 AM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Snap! Rosie Was Called Out

Derrrr, uhhh, bbbbbltltltlt
posted by El Capitan at 1:13 PM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Selective Feminism

posted by El Capitan at 3:15 PM
Iran's Recent History of Hostage Taking
Does anyone recall what triggered last Summer's min-war between Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel? Hezbollah made an incursion into Israel and kidnapped an Israeli soldier.
Who funds Hezbollah? Iran of course.
What was the final outcome of the kidnapping? Israel invaded Lebanon to go after Hezbollah. Hezbollah targeted Israeli citizens with hundreds of rockets. Hezbollah hid their launchers and militiamen near civilians in Lebanon, causing even more deaths because Israel had no choice but to take them out. The final result was Hezbollah gained power in Lebanon, and Israel, due to their poor handling of the entire effort, were made to look weak and incapable of protecting itself. The mass media handled the rest of the public relations/propaganda for Hezbollah, ignoring all of the Israeli civilian deaths and only focusing on the civilian deaths in Lebanon.
My point is that Iran wrote a very effective play book on how to instigate a major military power into showing its inability to act and react to a crisis with a Muslim country.
How to Embarrass Your Enemy and Expose Their Weaknesses 101
Step 1: Initiate a crisis (Kidnap soldiers, blame the other guy)
Step 2: If opposing nation attacks militarily: (If they do not attack, skip to Step 3)
- Such action will be on a limited bases because they don't want to look like their being overaggressive. This limited action will be their downfall because it illustrates weakness.
- Make sure your civilian population takes the brunt of the attack.
- Activate major Public Relations and Propaganda campaigns to portray your country as the victim of anti-Muslim aggression. Easy to accomplish with compliant global media.
- Use only guerrilla tactics to cause enemy casualties. Using your standing military will only cause the loss of your capabilities and allow the opposing nation to justify military action. You will be portrayed as a victim of an unjust military action if you maintain small-scale guerrilla tactics.
- Once the opposing nation has been show to be weak and embarrassed in the press, you have won.
Step 3: If the opposing nation pleads for diplomacy and negotiation instead of attacking militarily, you have embarrassed them and uncovered their weakness. You have won.
Israel fell for Step 2.
Britain fell for Step 3.
Who's next?
Even better, does anyone know how to avoid this playbook and defeat these tactics?
posted by El Capitan at 2:22 PM
Monday, April 02, 2007
Dave at Garfield Ridge Photoshop Challenge!
Dave at Garfield Ridge posted a picture of his newly renovated front yard. The guy put a lot of time and effort into making it look nice.
In the spirit of giving Dave a helping hand, I thought I'd offer up a challenge to anyone with Photoshop skills.
The Challenge: Who can decorate Dave's house the best?
Here's my entry. I'm not sure what I like best... the Rainbow Pirate Flag, or the homeless dude on his porch bench.
The only rule... keep it postable.
Slublog's Rendition, 'Dave's House of Horrors.'
How'd you get Dave to sit in the window covered in blood?
posted by El Capitan at 4:12 PM
Rudy's Last Chance To Save New York
Sent to me by a very inventive coworker who doesn't claim responsibility.***
posted by El Capitan at 12:57 PM
Movie Review - Blades of Glory
There's not much to say about the latest Will Ferrel movie, Blades of Glory.
Was it funny? Mostly Yes.
Was it a typical Saturday Night Live-casted flick with predictable jokes and characters? Yes.
Did it have any unique parts to it that you haven't seen before? No. Well, other than the awkward moments created with two men ice skating together , but it's all predictable.
Is it a children's flick? Hell Freak'n No! I don't understand why the theater was filled with parents and kids. There's a million jokes and innuendos that are overtly sexual in nature. Why some parents took their 8 and 9 year olds, I have no idea. Probably another sign that the end is near. What's next, taking your kids to see Grindhouse?
On my 'Movies are like Alcohol' ratings scale, watching Blades of Glory was like drinking a Michelob Ultra. Light, predictable taste, and the alcohol does its job, yet it's still just a light beer.
posted by El Capitan at 10:18 AM